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KS and the COTUS

Ms Tree

Jul 13, 2010
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Teen’s joking tweet on Topeka trip creates a capital fracas
Emma Sullivan’s trip to Topeka with other high school students to learn about government taught her a few unexpected lessons:

• Gov. Sam Brownback’s office monitors social media for postings containing the governor’s name.

• Some folks exhibit little sense of humor or appreciation of free expression.

• And sometimes a few “joking” words can land a student in the principal’s office, drafting a letter of apology.

All that resulted from a tweet the Shawnee Mission East High School senior wrote Monday during Brownback’s greeting to young people who were brought in for a closer look at the political process.

They need to kick this putz to the curb next election.
If that young lady was my kid, she would NEVER apologize and if the school or Governor "Brownshirt". Brownback made an issue of it we'd be in front of a judge. Just because she's 17 doesn't mean she has no civil liberties. This is what happens when you get a bunch of tin horn administrators who clearly have never read the Constitution are put in charge of students. Where are her parents? Going along to get along no doubt. We live in a nation of sheeple. This Dad would have crawled so far up the School Districts assets and likely contacted an attorney. This is garbage.