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Kennedy''s Clout!


What's even more sickening is that such comments were posted by these people on November 22, the anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination.

Take care and good to hear from you.

I guess we should have made the Teddy jokes on Chappaquidick day. Sorry, I will try to be more respectful of the Kennedy clan in the future. I really feel Teddy lends some great quotes for this trying time the airline industry is facing. On these days when bankruptcy at UAL is the question of the day and how will we deal with it, I always think of Teddy and his we'll cross that bridge when we get to it! motto. Sure hope the outcome is not the same 😉

Of course one of my all time favorite bumper stickers, ( this was before Cherynobl) was more people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than any nuclear accident.

Hey Marky, this is all just some political humor. There is so much on either side I laugh at all of it. No matter who it is about I like a good joke and laughter is pretty much all we have left so lighten up a little. Of course I am sure you did not spend 6 years in Evil medical school just to be called Mr.
On 11/23/2002 6:14:58 PM Mike wrote:

Now if we can just get TED to call one more time and get the other 13000 laid off back to work!
He can't! 'Keeps losing the cell phone in the ice bucket.
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/12.gif']
On 11/23/2002 2:35:37 PM MrMarky wrote:
What's even more sickening is that such comments were posted by these people on November 22, the anniversary of President Kennedy's assassination.

And your point?

My father also died on NOV 22, in a different year, and was 10 times the man of morality and integrity your cherished Boo Boo Teddy is.

This date has no correlation whatsoever to any of the above rightfully directed factually based jabs/comments directed at Mr. TK.
Now if we can just get TED to call one more time and get the other 13000 laid off back to work!
Any body know any good Reagan jokes? While some blame Kennedy for Deregulation, any one who has been around long enough knows that things really started to turn to s--t after Reagan fired Patco.

What the hell its all in good fun right?
On 11/23/2002 3:02:58 PM magsau wrote:

Hey Marky, this is all just some political humor. There is so much on either side I laugh at all of it. No matter who it is about I like a good joke and laughter is pretty much all we have left so lighten up a little. Of course I am sure "you did not spend 6 years in Evil medical school just to be called Mr." ---------------

Joking? who's joking?
[img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/2.gif']