Kcab Not Alone


Feb 14, 2004
Looks like a bunch of the furloughed pilots don't want to have anything to do with this place...........

Subject: Flight Operations Update 04/29/05

>Dear Fellow Pilot,
>I wanted to give you an update on our progress on exiting from
>bankruptcy, the latest information on recalls and good news on our fuel
>efficiency efforts.
>Bankruptcy update
>You probably read that we reached an agreement last Friday with the
>Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation under which the agency will
>terminate all four of United's defined benefit pension plans. This
>step, though very difficult, will allow us to move through the next
>challenging part of the bankruptcy process and toward a more stable and
>competitive future. The company remains open to the possibility of a
>viable alternative and will act on it should one be discovered before
>this agreement takes effect. Bankruptcy Court review of the agreement
>is scheduled for May 4 but United is seeking to move it to May 10. For
>the ALPA plan, under the agreement, the termination date will be
>determined by the court process that is currently underway.
>Recall info
>We are pleased to have recalled 77 pilots so far this year -- 13 on
>March 14, and 64 on April 4. When pilots are recalled, they spend two
>days at WHQ where they meet with senior company leaders, including Glenn
>Tilton (if he's available), COO Pete McDonald and EVP-Marketing, Sales &
>Revenue John Tague, and hear about the challenges facing United. They
>also learn about the latest security procedures and go through the
>customer focus training we provide all new Captains. Based on seminar
>critiques, our recalled pilots appreciate the industry update and being
>briefed by senior management on the state of the airline. From WHQ,
>they go to DENTK for technical training before returning to the line.
>As of April 26, we have sent out 332 recall offers to furloughed pilots.
>125 have accepted recall, 63 accepted recall but are on military or
>personal leave,134 have elected to bypass, and; the remaining 10 have
>been offered a May 17 recall date and have yet to respond
>Going forward, we are recalling 40 pilots on May 2 and expect an
>additional 25 on May 17. Manpower Planning is continuing to evaluate
>when future classes will begin, but we still anticipate at least 150
>recalls this year.
>You can find up-to-date recall information, including current recall
>counts, junior man information and number of pilots exercising bypass
>rights on the Flight Ops homepage (under Divisions, Flight Operations)
>on SkyNetLite.
>1Q2005 Fuel Efficiency results
>We announced today that as a result of the fuel efficiency efforts of
>our pilots and dispatchers, as well as the efforts of employees across
>the company, we saved $10 million in the first quarter of this year, and
>we're on track to exceed our full-year savings goal of $32M by $8M. One
>of our major initiatives was the Operational Efficiency Training we
>conducted for pilots and dispatchers in coordination with ALPA Safety,
>ALPA Training, PAFCA and the PDCG. We will be posting a summary of our
>first quarter fuel efficiency results, as well as a complete package
>with fleet specifics and information on other initiatives, on
>Operational performance.
>Finally, our employees are continuing to operate a great airline. In
>fact, when most of our major competitors saw their service levels
>decline last year, we beat everyone's expectations. According to the
>Wichita State University Airlines Quality Rating study, United was one
>of only four airlines and the only major U.S. carrier that improved
>service in 2004. The study is based on DOT statistics and includes
>analysis of arrival times, baggage handling, denied boarding and
>customer complaints. And though we had a challenging first quarter this
>year - with on-time performance falling below our goal - we have
>rebounded in April and are exceeding nearly all of our operational
>Please continue to keep your domicile and [email protected]
><mailto:p[email protected]> up-to-date on your e-mail and home address
>changes, and forward this e-mail to other furloughed pilots who may not
>have submitted their home e-mail addresses. For the latest news about
>United, I hope you'll call the Hotline at 1-877-933-5936 (recorded
>Tues/Fri) and access the Hotline archive, FAQs, The Flight Plan and
>other communications on SkyNetLite.
> All the best,
> Captain Steve Forte
> Senior Vice President-Flight Operations
Recall info
>We are pleased to have recalled 77 pilots so far this year -- 13 on
>March 14, and 64 on April 4. When pilots are recalled, they spend two
>days at WHQ where they meet with senior company leaders, including Glenn
>Tilton (if he's available), COO Pete McDonald and EVP-Marketing, Sales &
>Revenue John Tague, and hear about the challenges facing United. They
>also learn about the latest security procedures and go through the
>customer focus training we provide all new Captains. Based on seminar
>critiques, our recalled pilots appreciate the industry update and being
>briefed by senior management on the state of the airline. From WHQ,
>they go to DENTK for technical training before returning to the line.
>As of April 26, we have sent out 332 recall offers to furloughed pilots.
>125 have accepted recall, 63 accepted recall but are on military or
>personal leave,134 have elected to bypass, and; the remaining 10 have
>been offered a May 17 recall date and have yet to respond.
>Going forward, we are recalling 40 pilots on May 2 and expect an
>additional 25 on May 17. Manpower Planning is continuing to evaluate
>when future classes will begin, but we still anticipate at least 150
>recalls this year.

Looks like I'll be bypassing much sooner than I had thought.... :shock:
I am taking a paycut to come back. I miss flying and sitting in an office leaves a lot to be desired.

Unlike Busdrvr, it's not about the money. I want to fly and I think if United can get past these last few hurdles it will a very competitive company.
herkav8r said:
I am taking a paycut to come back. I miss flying and sitting in an office leaves a lot to be desired.

Unlike Busdrvr, it's not about the money. I want to fly and I think if United can get past these last few hurdles it will a very competitive company.
herk no disrespect intended, if its only about flying and not the $$$ why not consider corporate or private? i mean you would not be sleeping in a motel for 20 days a month and dealing with the hassle's that pertain to commercial aviation these days :up:
herkav8r said:
I am taking a paycut to come back. I miss flying and sitting in an office leaves a lot to be desired.

Unlike Busdrvr, it's not about the money. I want to fly and I think if United can get past these last few hurdles it will a very competitive company.

Yeah, you're right, it's not about the money. it's about going to bed next to my wife every night. It's being at the soccer, baseball and football games. It's throwing the football with my son's on saturaday, teaching them to rebuild a motor/ restore a car, being there when they need their Dad. It's about moving ahead based on my own merits, and getting job security the same way. I have trouble believing that anyone gets that great joy out of strapping on an A320 for the Visual to 16L at DIA, or getting yelled at by some ungreatful who is complaining because the flight wasn't perfectly smooth despite your best efforts on a generally crappy day.

They make little airplanes like Extra 300, and Pitt's if you crave the "enjoyment"