Jets-for-jobs Apl List


Oct 15, 2002
Does anybody have the latest hard #'s on where they are on the APL list for PSA Captains and FOs?

4lowed said:
lowest captain is apl 4213 and lowest f/o is 5244.
What are the USAir dates of hire ranges of the jets for jobs captains and first officers at the differernt carriers. Thanks in advance.

DENVER,CO is a travesty what has happened to the size of the active USAirways seniority list. I'm truely saddened
They have basically exhausted the list for F/O jobs. There will be one more chance to preference PSA F/O and then it'll be "last call" for those jobs. Captain slots are still pretty senior on the APL, with the junior j4j captain (not sure which carrier, Mesa probably) among the first of the '99 newhires. I think PSA Captain is probably still in the '89 hire range, but they just filled 6 slots for March and we haven't seen the new apl yet, and probably won't for a couple of weeks.

The scope negotiations could shake things up as it seems that MidAtlantic was originally considered the top choice of j4j jobs. That's already been invalidated but the apl that we have shows lots of preferences for MAA. Strangely enough, I think if the 70 seaters come to PSA at 50/50 instead of 100% (very likely IMO) then there may be some more apl pilots pref'ing PSA (that's assuming that PSA would see some actual growth airplanes over the 60 200's and MidAtlantic's size could be reduced).

Regardless it will be a couple of years I think before all apl pilots are in j4j captain seats, but it's really hard to know for sure.
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Thanks 4lowed.

One more question, what's the bottom active seniority # still working at mainline?
I believe its around 1988/1989 hire date for pilots. Would be the same for flight attendants if there was no voluntary program (brings it to 1999).

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