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It's About Time...execs. Loose 1st Class

Thank you bear for your reply, this is not going to stop and not one of us will know the difference........folks, they are on a full F8 ticket and we will never know who is who......this was just a way for us all to vote yes......Wake up to their games....why didn't Management take a pay cut
Bruce does not fly first class, he requests to sit in coach, I was on the same flight with him last week from CLT-DCA, he could have sat in first he chose coach.

Guess your WRONG again Piney!
PineyBob said:
Much as i hate to agree with any one who is from the PIT school of "we was screwed and now we are pissed group,

Was this a necessary statement Bob? Or do you just like baiting anyone that lives in PIT?

trvlr64 said:
Was this a necessary statement Bob? Or do you just like baiting anyone that lives in PIT?


In this case, it's was from PIT, and it's amusing. "Steel Envy."
The current execs should be traveling under the same policy as the rank and file--in the back, only going space positive when absolutely necessary, etc.

SKYHIGH STATES: After all these cuts, Round one, Round two and........


Of course, the valued customer first!!
PineyBob said:
Much as i hate to agree with any one who is from the PIT school of "we was screwed and now we are pissed group, Clue makes some points that are valid. However in an effot to improve the website that all were instructed to use of the tool. Thus the awarding of status for executives
personally I PRAY for that day As a customer i'd LOVE to confront someone.

I magine me asking bruce lakefield if he's more important than a man like me who fly's his Airlne? Bet me I wouldn't

Frankly I can't wait to ask him "Do you think it appropriate to take a seat in "F" knowing your loyal customer like me, is langishing in coach?"

Much as i hate to agree with any one who is from the PB school of "we was screwed and now we are a pissed group, Piney makes some points that are valid...
:lol: :lol:


I just want to see the first one pulled off that oversold flight. Oh to see the look on that face. Hopefully it is the glASSman........ :shock:
Glassman still works for the company, this only applies to the folks that have left. When Cohen walks up with his four friends all on a F8 ticket, once again it shows in the amount he paid as large sum of money, of course using his US travel card, then how are you going to bump him off. That would be like Joe Blow a real paying customer on a full fare ticket, bumping him off. That was just a bunch of smoke the company blew up are butts, to make us think they are doing something we have been complaining about.