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It Too Quiet


Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
With everything that has happened in the past few weeks regarding Republic and AWAC, it's been awfuly quiet from Mesa. Their "weekly" CEO new line hasn't been updated by Orenstein since the week of March 4. Even Lakefield's weekly mesage this week made no mention of the AWAC deal or their split with UA.

If you ask me Orenstein is probably running like a chicken without a head between Elk Grove and CCY trying to nail some agreement down with one or both.
phllax said:
With everything that has happened in the past few weeks regarding Republic and AWAC, it's been awfuly quiet from Mesa. Their "weekly" CEO new line hasn't been updated by Orenstein since the week of March 4. Even Lakefield's weekly mesage this week made no mention of the AWAC deal or their split with UA.

If you ask me Orenstein is probably running like a chicken without a head between Elk Grove and CCY trying to nail some agreement down with one or both.
I fly for Mesa and I like working in the Airways system, I have actually flown with quite a few Mesa pilots that have relatives that fly for Airways including one of my own that recently retired. But to be honest with you most of the people I have talked to at Mesa are thinking....big deal who cares if we lose the flying....... most of the ERJ guys are hoping the plane goes away and with their seniority get the summer off paid while waiting to go to a CRJ class. Most of the crews commute to our Airways bases (CLT and PHL) so they couldn't care less if the planes move elsewhere.
Ornstein has mentioned in past CEO messages "limiting our exposure to Airways" so most have been seeing this as the future since these "pay to play deals have been implemented by Airways".
The pilots who may get furloughed over this.... not all but most I have talked with have the opinion once again " Ill get another job making more money doing something else and come back when recalled if I feel like it.

The sad thing with these deals is Air Whiskey is putting in 125 Mil ...that is about ten days worth of money to burn through. My understaning is that the Republic money is pending another investor at 100 mil so if this is secured another 225 mil could be burnt through in 3 weeks at current crude prices.

Ornstein may look like an idiot if Airways makes it and all goes well and Mesa is left out of the equation. ......but if Airways tanks ( I hope this is not the case) and takes Air Wiscosin with them he'll look like a genius for staying out.
PBRmeASAP said:
......but if Airways tanks ( I hope this is not the case) and takes Air Wiscosin with them he'll look like a genius for staying out.

Most people here at US dont think it's a question of IF, but WHEN. It's coming and any day could be the day the doors close for the last time.