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iPad vs Laptop...Suggestions?

Judge Smails

May 31, 2011
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I'm one of the few pilots that don't carry a laptop or iPad and I'm trying to decide which to get.

1. Does anyone know if you can access the "Learning Link" stuff on Wings with an iPad?
I think some websites can't be seen with an iPad due to the lack of "flash".(?)

Looking for any advice from the tech savy on which would be better to go with. Thanks!
While I can't comment on US specific apps, I can say that iPads don't have Adobe Flash, which is used in many multi media programs. I have both Windows and Mac laptops as well as an iPad....and each has its own advantages.

I do believe there are a number of EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) apps for iPad, but I think the company has to support those.

Good luck with whichever choice you make.

Fly safe and Happy Thanksgiving to all...
The I pad does have some very good apps for flying.. (not approved)

but the lack of flash is a problem, the lack of a "real" keyboard, not being able to print..

the I pad is a nice little acessory but to me making it your main source of computing would be an issue...

I like mine on the coffe table for use
The small "Net Book" type PC's would seem to be the way to go for a US Airways employee.

Lightweight and compact for starters
US Airways IT seems to be heavily Microsoft centric. Web support for Mac users I've been told is mediocre at best. So I'm thinking it isn't going to be much better on the employee facing side.

The draw back with the Net Books are pretty well known. Not a lot of computing power. Beyond web surfing and MS office documents it's highly limited.

If I'm looking at this type of purchase I think the number one buying criteria is compatibility with US IT and that means something that is PC based.
I have to agree with Sparrowhawk. If your primary motivation is to have access to company "stuff," then get yourself a PC Netbook. They can be had very inexpensively, and even the most basic models should have the horsepower to run distance learning, CATCREW, WinBid, Wings, etc.

If you want to do more, then you may need something more than a basic model.

You can do all of those on a MacBook, too, but with a bit of extra effort and money involved. FLICAnet doesn't support Mac yet (as far as I know it has been "coming soon" for months/years.) If you love WinBid, that is also not supported by Mac. Therefore, if you get a MacBook, plan on purchasing software that will run PC programs, e.g. Parallels for Mac (about $80.) There are others out there that do the same thing. But, that's not where the fun ends.

Once you install Parallels on your Mac, you can theoretically run PC programs....BUT....you also have to buy the Windows operating system to make those work in Parallels. That's another $115 or so for Windows 7 OEM. (OEM just means you get the software with no support from Microsoft.) If you want Microsoft support, then you have to purchase a more expensive full version.

Once you have all of that on your Mac, then you can run a PC as a "window" of your Mac. Again, you only need these add-ons (Parallels and Windows 7) for a Mac if you must have FLICAnet (i.e. CATCREW access) and WinBid, or any other PC-only software.

There may be other work-arounds for Macs, but this seems to be the most popular one used by crew members.

Basically, you're looking at a basic PC Netbook for under $500, or a MacBook Pro outfitted to run company "favorites" at about $1300. But for things other than the company stuff, the MacBook Pro blows the PC Netbook right out of the water.
While I can't comment on US specific apps, I can say that iPads don't have Adobe Flash, which is used in many multi media programs. I have both Windows and Mac laptops as well as an iPad....and each has its own advantages.

I do believe there are a number of EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) apps for iPad, but I think the company has to support those.

Good luck with whichever choice you make.

Fly safe and Happy Thanksgiving to all...

Echoing what Art said: I have a company-supplied laptop. My iPad is "mine," and is great as a portable personal device. But if I were going to choose one, I'd go with the laptop, for the reasons stated above, and for the fact that they are more versatile than the iPads.

The iPad is basically a larger version of the iPhone, only without the phone feature (unless you get the 3G model with the monthly service plan). A laptop and an iPhone are the perfect combination, in my opinion. I have a company laptop and a company BlackBerry (terrible web-surfing device), so the iPad was the best choice for me for my personal device.

I do think that we will see companies investing more in iPad apps for their employees to use on their personal devices in the next couple of years, but as for what's available today, we're still in the stone age. 😉
I'm one of the few pilots that don't carry a laptop or iPad and I'm trying to decide which to get.

1. Does anyone know if you can access the "Learning Link" stuff on Wings with an iPad?
I think some websites can't be seen with an iPad due to the lack of "flash".(?)

Looking for any advice from the tech savy on which would be better to go with. Thanks!

Don't know about IPAD and wings, learning link, but as others have said catcrew and winbid need Windows. I have a Macbook Air with Parallels and it is barely bigger than an IPad and runs Mac and PC software. If you aren't really in favor of Mac then the Netbook option is cheaper and will meet all your needs on the road.
Am fairly new to the iPad. when I go to wings for a dose of senior mgt pompously attempting to manage employee expectations via crew news I see zero-nada-zip. Really breaks my heart ;-)
Tablets are nice for entertainment but they are still not very useful for much outside of web browsing, email, playing games and watching video.
Am fairly new to the iPad. when I go to wings for a dose of senior mgt pompously attempting to manage employee expectations via crew news I see zero-nada-zip. Really breaks my heart ;-)
That settles it. I'm off to get an IPad now!
but the lack of flash is a problem, the lack of a "real" keyboard, not being able to print..

Printing is no problem.
I have a full sized laptop 15.4 and an ipad. I carried both to just which I preferred. the ipad without the keyboard and mouse was annoying. I do love my ipad at home like a previous poster. I keep it on the coffee table we use it t control the audio system and quick surfing. I have watched few movies via Netflix in bed also. the full size laptop was just to heavy to carry and TSA makes you take those out for inspection but they don't the ipad. I got to searching for a smaller laptop screen size and weight. the netbooks did not have a very good screen resolution from the ones I looked at. I ended up buying a smaller Dell it weights 3 lbs so easy to carry. I also bought a small wireless mouse and got a clear spot for wifi connection. Many airports do not have wifi. Some hotels still charge for wifi so it was nice to be able to have my own hotspot at any time providiing I was in a major city that was served by clear. As for the Dell it was a D430 has decent 12.1 screen, usb ports. Only draw back is the DVD is seperate but with Netflix streaming you dont need it. Here is a link to the Dell surplus site where I got it: right now they are 233.00 about the same as a netbook but alot more machine I think.


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