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ICAO Approves Pilots Over Age 60


Nov 12, 2005
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The International Civil Aviation Organization adopted a “standardâ€￾ to increase the upper age limit for airline pilots to 65, effective November 23. But the measure is limited to two-pilot crews when the other pilot is younger than 60 years of age. An ICAO “standardâ€￾ is a mandatory minimum requirement and member states must notify ICAO if they are going to impose a more restrictive limit. Of 112 ICAO member countries responding to an ICAO letter, 83 percent indicated that an international age limit above 60 years would be appropriate for airline pilots. However, 16 percent–which includes the U.S.–indicated a preference to maintain the current upper age limit of 60 years, citing possible safety risks and a lack of convincing data that flying after age 60 is safe.
The International Civil Aviation Organization adopted a “standardâ€￾ to increase the upper age limit for airline pilots to 65, effective November 23. But the measure is limited to two-pilot crews when the other pilot is younger than 60 years of age. An ICAO “standardâ€￾ is a mandatory minimum requirement and member states must notify ICAO if they are going to impose a more restrictive limit. Of 112 ICAO member countries responding to an ICAO letter, 83 percent indicated that an international age limit above 60 years would be appropriate for airline pilots. However, 16 percent–which includes the U.S.–indicated a preference to maintain the current upper age limit of 60 years, citing possible safety risks and a lack of convincing data that flying after age 60 is safe.
:up: :up: :up: Kudos to ICAO, they recognize there is no reason that most Pilots can't fly up till 65. I am so very happy they recognized this and acted on it, too bad that the US doesnt "get it". In the US its ageism at its worst!
In the US its ageism at its worst!

Try Lufthansa. Their captains are out at 50-55 (as told to me by LH colleagues). I have been on a 747-400 flight BKKFRA and the captain could not have been older than 44.
Try Lufthansa. Their captains are out at 50-55 (as told to me by LH colleagues). I have been on a 747-400 flight BKKFRA and the captain could not have been older than 44.

The Gopher,

believe their government would not let an airline go into CH 11 with the goal of getting rid of pensions?!!!

So, again, why not 65? (Though would much rather retire at 55ish WITH a descent retirement.


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