How the Left Created Trump

Nov 14, 2016
Nov. 8 represented an explosion of anger on the right at years of smugness and disdain by liberals.

The right had gotten used to being looked down upon by liberals. The general attitude of the left was: Disagree with us? You’re probably racist, xenophobic, sexist, bigoted or all of the above. Indeed, for many liberal Americans, these prejudices have come to be seen as inseparable from identity of the Republican Party itself.

On Nov. 8, it appears, the right decided it finally had enough of this smugness. Conservative voters—including many former working-class Democrats who made the difference in key states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—sent the message that they’d had enough not only of losing economically, but also of being sneered at.

Pretty much sums it up. The establishment GOP let themselves get painted into a corner for years, unwilling or too scared to defend themselves, so Trump came along and gave what was well deserved. Giving the left the middle finger, unapologetically.
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And another big mistake was:

A: Democratic party aligned themselves with Black Lives Matters and thumbing their nose at the boys in blue.

B: Ignoring the "Blue Collar Worker" (who was for the longest time was courted heavily by the Democrat party) as "White voters without college degrees"