Haven't employees been reading?

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Aug 21, 2002
I like many have left this rotting company before it completely disintegrates. I now have a secure and decent paying position. The fact is I got a raise, more vacation, a pension, a much better 401k, more respect, upward mobility, sidewards mobility, and good people to work with as well. I am sad that all the others I have left behind haven''t thought ahead for themselves. It is not too late though to change your career path. Do it now while you still have paychecks coming in.
Remember, Dave and the rest are committed to eliminating all the Cust Svc personnel currently employed. They want to hire minimum wage, minimum intelligence, fast food workers to replace everyone. They will not give up their position either. Don''t bet your career on the hopes that they will suddenly develop a conscience. They won''t! Protect yourselves now while you still can afford to do it and have the time.
I had been looking for my new job for about a year before now. There are good paying jobs out there despite those who say otherwise. They want all our good people to believe that and work for nothing. Doesn''t hurt them. Find that job and make the switch soon. Good luck to you all!
I wonder if any of your former co-workers in MCO miss you. Let's hear from some of them.

Orlando.....picking up after the horses on Main St. at Disney?

Rah Rah Sis boom BAH ! ! What a cheerleader you are Lilninj !!!

Thank god you left US. We read your postings all the time and could see what an unhappy employee you were. Now you're gone and you still come back with spiteful comments. Move on......you've left US. Give it a rest. The US employees have minds of their own and don't need a poison pen like yours writing on these message boards.

I'm curious to know what your new career is. And if there's a message board for your job. I bet within 1 year you will be posting your unhappiness there too.

Time to get a new life Lilninj. I wonder if any of your former co-workers in MCO miss you. Let's hear from some of them.
It is not as easy of a decision as you make it sound. After investing 24 years with the company it is not easy to jump ship at this point. If I do and the company fails, then I made a good choice...but if the company prospers in the years to come, I will have made a big mistake. It is not as easy to make a change like this in the middle of your life when you have a family to support. I will not jump off the ship until it is on the way to the bottom.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/3/2002 11:32:01 AM Lilninj wrote: [BR][BR]I like many have left this rotting company before it completely disintegrates. I now have a secure and decent paying position. The fact is I got a raise, more vacation, a pension, a much better 401k, more respect, upward mobility, sidewards mobility, and good people to work with as well. I am sad that all the others I have left behind haven't thought ahead for themselves. It is not too late though to change your career path. Do it now while you still have paychecks coming in. [BR][BR]Remember, Dave and the rest are committed to eliminating all the Cust Svc personnel currently employed. They want to hire minimum wage, minimum intelligence, fast food workers to replace everyone. They will not give up their position either. Don't bet your career on the hopes that they will suddenly develop a conscience. They won't! Protect yourselves now while you still can afford to do it and have the time. [BR][BR]I had been looking for my new job for about a year before now. There are good paying jobs out there despite those who say otherwise. They want all our good people to believe that and work for nothing. Doesn't hurt them. Find that job and make the switch soon. Good luck to you all![BR][BR]Lilninj[BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][BR][FONT face=System][FONT size=2]I don't know you from Adam(or EVE) Lilninj, but I applaud what you did(i.e. getting out before he cuts back to circa 1987 or earlier, a la 15 yrs or more, only to swiftly hire back at tech wages and less),---- I am right behind ya, when the right moment hits----and I echo your feelings about the state of the company and AUSTINS's plans for the future of customer service(and lack thereof). Dont fret, it is quite transparent your biggest bashers are the ones who probably have the least to fall back on and the worst to fear in the coming months.[BR]Congrats in your new field.[/FONT]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/3/2002 3:33:49 PM trvlr64 wrote:[BR][BR].................[BR][BR]CS-pro.......I'm a US1 not an employee, but I do have a lot of friends that work for US and I don't like what they are going through.  As for Lilninj, I am glad he/she found a new career, but this recent posting was a rude line of attack against those employees that have remained and hope that US is able to survive.[BR][BR]I'm glad to know you're looking for a new line of work too.  I hope I never have to come across you during my travels. And if US should not survive, I will always have UA or AA to fly on.  What about you?[BR][BR][BR][BR]----------------[BR][BR][BR][BR][FONT face=System]And your brash comments to both lilninj and myself are what ?, minty fresh? [/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=System]As for not coming across me in your travels, am I supposed to be quivering in my boots by that lame remark? Ask me if I care. The comment has no place in this discussion and the fact that you would place that much emphasis and disdain on 1 or 2 differing opinions out of millions of someone you have never met doesn't say much for your integrity and personna. Chpr 1 ? Big freeking deal. Doesn't entitle you to preach a gospel that implies I should crawl in a hole because you don't wish to cross paths.[/FONT][BR][BR][FONT face=System]You needn't concern yourself who I might fly on if U doesnt survive, you see, that is like # 99 on my top 100 of life's priorities. Nbr 98 is whether U survives at all, which is about the same level as our esteemed comic Austin Powers places on it. He has yet to implement ideas that have circulated for months on how to save time and money in CS other than cutting heads. That demonstrates it all IMO.[/FONT][BR][BR][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Dont fret, it is quite transparent your biggest bashers are the ones who probably have the least to fall back on and the worst to fear in the coming months.

CS-pro.......I'm a US1 not an employee, but I do have a lot of friends that work for US and I don't like what they are going through. As for Lilninj, I am glad he/she found a new career, but this recent posting was a rude line of attack against those employees that have remained and hope that US is able to survive.

I'm glad to know you're looking for a new line of work too. I hope I never have to come across you during my travels. And if US should not survive, I will always have UA or AA to fly on. What about you?
Not a surprise where this one headed, and under 10 posts too. Topic closed.
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