The AFA has made a bold move and threatened to rescind their contract as ‘The Company’ has not honored their obligations as is stipulated in the agreement (big surprise there). In an answer to this threat, ‘The Company’ will now seek abrogation of the AFA contract.
The AFA has just been ‘Bit$h Slapped’!!!
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Look for the AFA to recant on their posturing (as they have always done in the past) and make good with their master.
All of this posturing is well and good but we are ‘all’ faced with the facts that
not one Union has had the stones to back up their ‘threat’ of a strike for many years. Most of us speculated that after 3 (or 4?) rounds of capitulation from USAir that one of their Unions would have had the wherewithal to say ‘ENOUGH’!!!
(Much less discuss the Unions out of BK that have bobbed the knob)
However, they didn’t and now they are resigned to ‘their’ fate! But their lack of intestinal fortitude has contributed to the decimation of our futures. The baton is passed (once again) to the next group as we play musical chairs. We will ‘all’ (as the circle continues) play this game until “WE†have had enough and take a stand.
This reaction by ‘The Company’ is not only for the AFA, but serves as a warning for all the Union represented employees that have not agreed to ‘join in the plan’ (whatever that may be) here at the ‘Lazy U’. The final words from ‘The Company’ is for ‘ALL’ of us to ‘capitulate’ or ‘abrogate’, as it does not matter to them which way the axe falls. ‘The Company’ is in firm belief that ‘Da Judge’ will not only allow abrogation of our contracts but will block a strike action as well.
The current situation was not caused by ‘US’!!!
It is time that the ‘Battered Wife’ syndrome in the industry is stopped!!!
It is time for ‘US’ to stand erect!!!