Happy Thanksgiving


Oct 13, 2003
Just thought I'd say to all on this board and who reads it or whatever You All Have A Happy Thanksgiving. Try not to work too hard!!!!! :up: :D :) :p :rolleyes:
Happy Thanksgiving to all US Airways employees.........we ARE one carrier now and maybe Robbedagain can change the title of the post.?.?
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thank you all! You all enjoy your holiday! I am not sure how change the topic but it was I could think of at the time!!
Exactly..........just a comment.

ya, hard to feel like one carrier when you have to tell customers many times per day that we are still operating as 2 sperate carriers....

I wish all of you front-liners a nice smooth operation for this weekend. I have been in the turmoil once or twice myself. Good luck, and as the recent company-wide email said:

.... take a few minutes to sit down, relax, and enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner (or lunch) in your work area.
I would also like to wish everyone at the new US Airways a Happy Healthy and Safe Thanksgiving, especially those who are working and/or away from family and home for the holiday.

I will be traveling Saturday and look forward to seeing some of you on the line.

Best personal wishes,

HAPPY HOLIDAYS,Remember The Spirit of The Challenge In THE Merger--UNION mean's:AN Alliance for Mutual interest or Benefit. Keep up the UNITING Spirit. MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF YOUR FAMILIES. MWW

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