Good Bye Air America We hardly Knew Ya


Nov 30, 2009
Air America Radio closing, filing for bankruptcy

LOS ANGELES – Air America Radio, a radio network that was launched in 2004 as a liberal alternative to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators, on Thursday shut down abruptly due to financial woes.

The network once boasted hosts such as Al Franken and Rachel Maddow, but struggled from the outset, including multiple management shake-ups, a bankruptcy in 2006 and sale for $4.25 million the following year.

Air America ceased airing new programs Thursday afternoon and said it will soon file to be liquidated under Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It began broadcasting reruns of programs and would end those as well Monday night.

Rest of the Article

Geez our Liberal Friends are 0 for 2 lately. Like Air America, liberalism is in a death spiral, at least in the market place.

Rush, Sean, O'Rielly and Fox News are crushing their competition in battle for the hearts and minds of the average American and it's looking like the only hiding place left is Washington DC for the failed concepts and ideas as banckrupt and devoid of common sense as Air America
Might as well, not like they had any influence. Look at the lineup they had, Franken, Maddow, Montel. Its a who's who of progressive idiocy.
Classic example of why the fairness doctrine needs to come back......

I think most all of the on air "talent" has syndication agreements, so affiliates can/will continue to air their shows. I know Stephanie Miller had a new one on this AM.

Air America was a noble concept, but doomed from the get go. The problem with the left (and this is coming from someone about as far left on the spectrum as you can get w/o wearing a Mao jacket) is that we're terrible at supporting other people's ideas, even if they're in our best interest. What I mean by that is most everyone agreed that is was a good idea/needed/whatever, but groups like wouldn't get fully behind it (read: $$$), because it wasn't their idea. The right simply doesn't have that problem. Add to that how well funded shows like Hannity's and Rush's are, and it's never been a fight of equal footing. Until the root cause I mentioned changes, that never will, either.
The problem with the left (and this is coming from someone about as far left on the spectrum as you can get w/o wearing a Mao jacket) is that we're terrible at supporting other people's ideas, even if they're in our best interest.

Succinctly understated and agree 1000% Hence the Brown win in Mass after a year of liberal/progressive BS.
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Add to that how well funded shows like Hannity's and Rush's are, and it's never been a fight of equal footing.

Rush, Sean and the like are "Well Funded" due to??


Trust me if Fox News saw in their market research that Liberal talk shows would garner ratings and thereby ad revenue Bill O'reilly himself would be over to confiscate your hand gun.​
Rush, Sean and the like are "Well Funded" due to??


Trust me if Fox News saw in their market research that Liberal talk shows would garner ratings and thereby ad revenue Bill O'reilly himself would be over to confiscate your hand gun.​

The ratings only came after the funding/audience size was in place. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that Rush's show was in the toilet, and Beck was a drive time DJ. Oddly, in some markets, Rush (not sure about he others) competes with himself, as multiple stations air him at the same time.

As for the current state of affairs, I agree with you... to a point.
Rush, Sean and the like are "Well Funded" due to??


Trust me if Fox News saw in their market research that Liberal talk shows would garner ratings and thereby ad revenue Bill O'reilly himself would be over to confiscate your hand gun.​
What he's trying to say is that there must be some allie that funnels money like the Dems do for their propaganda, ACORN, Move On, Soro's, etc. since its so common for them. He must be inferring that people by the millions or are being paid to watch Fox News? or something. LOL
The ratings only came after the funding/audience size was in place. Remember, it wasn't that long ago that Rush's show was in the toilet, and Beck was a drive time DJ. Oddly, in some markets, Rush (not sure about he others) competes with himself, as multiple stations air him at the same time.
Where did you pull that out of? Wheres the proof/stats? BTW ratings are tied directly to increase/decrease in audience size. Your assumption is absurd.
What he's trying to say is that there must be some allie that funnels money like the Dems do for their propaganda, ACORN, Move On, Soro's, etc. since its so common for them. He must be inferring that people by the millions or are being paid to watch Fox News? or something. LOL

I'm not saying there's some some ally (benefactor) out there, rather I'm saying all the groups on the right are well allied.

Where did you pull that out of? Wheres the proof/stats? BTW ratings are tied directly to increase/decrease in audience size. Your assumption is absurd.

You don't think that as Rush's program became more and more incendiary, his rating grew? He may think of himself as a business man, but he is more assuredly an entertainer. You don;t think these shows were well funded to start with? I thought it didn't need to be said that as The ratings/audience size grew, so did the funding, with each perpetuating the other.

"I’m a businessman," he told The New York Times. "My first goal is to attract the largest possible audience so I can charge confiscatory ad rates. I happen to have great entertainment skills, but that enables me to sell airtime.â€￾

In PDX, he runs on two stations simultaneously, ditto (!) JAX, and SYR. There may be more, but those are the first few that come to mind.

Beck worked in several cities, before landing in PHX as a host of a "morning zoo" type of show.
I'm not saying there's some some ally (benefactor) out there, rather I'm saying all the groups on the right are well allied.
You mean like all the groups on the left are allied? Do you realize how absurd that sounds?

You don't think that as Rush's program became more and more incendiary, his rating grew? He may think of himself as a business man, but he is more assuredly an entertainer. You don;t think these shows were well funded to start with? I thought it didn't need to be said that as The ratings/audience size grew, so did the funding, with each perpetuating the other.

"I’m a businessman," he told The New York Times. "My first goal is to attract the largest possible audience so I can charge confiscatory ad rates. I happen to have great entertainment skills, but that enables me to sell airtime.�

In PDX, he runs on two stations simultaneously, ditto (!) JAX, and SYR. There may be more, but those are the first few that come to mind.

Beck worked in several cities, before landing in PHX as a host of a "morning zoo" type of show.
So its a conspiracy now? Do you realize how absurd that sounds?
You mean like all the groups on the left are allied? Do you realize how absurd that sounds?

Actually, I said just the opposite. You should know that, since you responded, and agreed with me.

So its a conspiracy now? Do you realize how absurd that sounds?

Who said anything about a conspiracy?

BTW, how many times in this thread are you going to use the word "absurd?"
Actually, I said just the opposite. You should know that, since you responded, and agreed with me.

Who said anything about a conspiracy?

BTW, how many times in this thread are you going to use the word "absurd?"

As many times as it takes? It just seems ridiculous that people think that way. No offense of course.
In reality..............Progressives and Liberals historically have been very limited in support of programming reflecting their point of view. Time after time the supposed venues of their cause have tanked due to lousy ratings and morphing into a lack of support from sponsors.
So bad is it that the FCC clown...excuse me ...I mean Czar wants to take measures to correct these deficiencies via taxation/penalties for freedom of speech.

However..........the Progressives and Liberals spend much of their time viewing Fox News and other Conservative venues for some unexplained perverted reason of which I have no clue.

This has been referenced many times on this format time and time again.

Why is that? That is what's more important.....Lib's and Prog's watching Fx News and commenting in this forum........... :huh:
