Going Ballistic

Heli Ops

Mar 9, 2003
Hey Guys

What do you think of this angle of the AS350. Have a look at it. Looks cool ey. You will have to paste this into your url.


Heli Ops
Give me a good paint program, and I can make a 205 do that. Without the rotors turning even. Neat shot though. Can''t say that I''d want to do something like that tho. Makes it harder to hit the smoking tree while in that attitude.

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Without giving anything away the shot wasnt taken in Canada or the US or even Australia/NZ.

Have a whole series of this sequence and one that is even more over the top than that one

Wont say who or where but is going to be in the mag in an upcoming issue. I have the OK from the pilot concerened and his bosses arent on the mailing list for the mag.

RandyG - Did you send off that email to Johnny Mac. His 214s may end up in Canada for some fire fighting in the off season. Drop me a PM and will fill you in on the details.

Heli Ops
Quite obviously this guy hasn''t heard of "servo transparicy." It only takes a little to overload the hydraulic pump and Whamo...Locked controls all the way to the ground!!
If you look at the haze below the aircraft, I believe this really did happen, and I''d never question an Astar''s ability to do such a maneuvre.......The consequecnces of doing it wrong are fairly severe though....
I question this photo alot. As far as the haze under the as350, Photoshop 7 can even put people or hills what ever you want under it.

You wouldn''t happen to be willing to post a few more of this flight would you....scary looking that is for shure.
Not a very good example to be showing the younger lot who read your magazine. I just hope none of them try to mimic this idiot and find themselves dead.
And you drivers wonder why us wrench benders get so bent outa shape when you feck up our machines??

I have a stong Disdain for any Hot-Dogger, who flys one of my machines outside the envelope. I''m the SOB that gotta get it through the contract and get us home!! A little respect for the machine, me and above all, the owner/ customer would be definitely be preshaded!

Somebody''s due for a pee pee whackin with a 15" cresent!

Limme ad em, limme ad em!!
The picture is great and many comments are right, if the guy is hot dogging then it''s just plain stupid.

The aircraft though is capable of this with the right handling and matching pilot skills. I personally would love to see more helos do this on the airshow circuit.

If this guy was a factory demonstration pilot then he very likely flew the aircraft well within her "envelope". There is a difference between hot-dogging when you are a legend in your own mind and flying an aircraft such as this within limitations.

Impressive maneuvres are not bad for the airframe when properly executed with an aviator skilled enough and knowledgeable enough to do them. What young aviators need to know when they see photos like this is the context of it all, this is not what you do with 350 hours in your logbook to impress your friends with your employers'' helo.

It may very well be something you do at the Paris airshow to sell the machine to perspective clients when you are the factory demo pilot with 10,000 hours in your logbook.

I have a photo I cannot link but I will post it in the foreing military section of the photos on this site. You will see an aviator from the British Army Air Corp putting his Lynx through her paces, very impressive and something you only do with the right machine, skills and circustances. I''ll title it, Going Ballistic Too, the file is titled "Lynx diving".

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