Go Woke, Go Broke - Southwest Airlines Edition...


Jul 23, 2003
Go woke, go broke.... $4M from the company, and almost $1M from the TWU over their DFR failure.

DALLAS (AP) — A former Southwest Airlines flight attendant who was fired after sparring with her union president over abortion and other issues won a $5.1 million jury verdict against the airline and the union.

A jury in federal district court in Dallas handed down the verdict Thursday. If it stands, Charlene Carter could collect $4.15 million from Southwest and $950 million from Local 556 of the Transport Workers Union, mostly in punitive damages.

Southwest said Friday that it "has a demonstrated history of supporting our employees' rights to express their opinions when done in a respectful manner." It plans to appeal. A lawyer for the union said jurors might have misunderstood the judge's instructions, and it also plans to appeal.

Carter alleged she was fired in March 2017 after complaining to the union president about flight attendants going to a march in Washington, D.C., where more than 500,000 people protested President Donald Trump's positions on abortion and other issues. She believed union dues were paying for an anti-abortion protest.

Carter sent a series of Facebook messages, some containing videos of purported aborted fetuses, to Audrey Stone, who was president of the union at the time. She called Stone "despicable" and said she would be voted out of office.

According to court documents, the airline said it fired Carter because posts on her Facebook page, in which she could be identified as a Southwest employee, were "highly offensive" and that her private messages to Stone were harassing. The airline said she violated company policies on bullying and use of social media.

The jury said Southwest unlawfully discriminated against Carter because of her sincerely held religious beliefs.

Carter, a 20-year veteran of Southwest, said the union did not fairly represent her and retaliated against her for expressing her views. Her lead attorney came from the National Right To Work Committee, which campaigns against compulsory union membership.
Go woke, go broke.... $4M from the company, and almost $1M from the TWU over their DFR failure.

Oh you know they will appeal it!....... They'll drag it out as long as they can! She may be an old lady before she see's a penny of it and they know it!...... Sad, but that's what they do!
Quick question...but if she were pro choice and did the same things on Facebook ... and Southwest did the same thing...should she have been awarded the money?
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Quick question...but if she were pro choice and did the same things on Facebook ... and Southwest did the same thing...should she have been awarded the money?
Absolutely. The union and company shouldn't determine what she can and can't say as a private individual, nor should you be fired by the company for speaking out against a union official.
The hypocrite thinks everyone else is a hypocrite.

The union and company shouldn't determine what she can and can't say as a private individual
It should not surprise you that a leftist supports policing thought. Democrats are the party that championed cancel culture, political correctness, and WOKE SJW's after all.

nor should you be fired by the company for speaking out against a union official.
Should not surprise anyone that the UNION and company are in bed together.
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Absolutely. The union and company shouldn't determine what she can and can't say as a private individual, nor should you be fired by the company for speaking out against a union official.
I agree with you on the larger issue here. where it gets tricky is when companies try to implement/maintain "social media policies." What's acceptable & what isn't? Who's the arbiter here? There are some obvious red lines, but most are pretty grey.
Quick question...but if she were pro choice and did the same things on Facebook ... and Southwest did the same thing...should she have been awarded the money?
Hey K.C.! ........ I'll bet you didn't know I am "Pro-Choice"!!!....... Yes I am! ........ But! I feel the "choice" should be made before conception! Not after!!!!
Hey K.C.! ........ I'll bet you didn't know I am "Pro-Choice"!!!....... Yes I am! ........ But! I feel the "choice" should be made before conception! Not after!!!!
Yeah...I wish I wouldn't have concieved the child we wanted but had to abort. But don't worry...in those states that will prevent a woman who was raped from having an abortion, she'll be forced to remember that less than romantic night where she the fetus was conceived at gunpoint and she can give birth to another Charlie Manson that you can adopt. And THEN....you can tell her that she should have kept her legs together...and oppose any programs to actually CARE for the life that was brought into this world.

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