FYI: Onboard Advertising Change


May 31, 2006
So, advertising in coach isn'e enough. More greed leads the company to start advertising on First class trays. See below.

By Joe Sharkey, New York Times

Coach tray tables in US Airways planes have carried advertising for a couple of years. After US Airways merged with America West in late 2005, tray tables at coach seats in about 350 airplanes had ads.

Initial worries that such advertising would annoy passengers have been allayed, the airline and its advertising partner say. Research indicates that more passengers than expected like and retain messages from tray-table advertising, they say.

Brand Connections, the New York marketing company that provides the ads for US Airways, plans to expand them to first-class seats this spring.

Travis Christ, the airline's marketing vice president, said ads in first class will create "540,000 new tray-table opportunities per month," in addition to the 6 million now available each month in coach seats.

Many airlines use advertising, but so far only US Airways does so on something as in-your-face as a tray table. Airlines, though, are increasingly placing ads on napkins, ticket jacket folders and even air-sickness bags. In Europe and Asia, some small airlines put ads on overhead bins, and a few even have big ads painted on fuselages.

Airlines in the United States have been watching the US Airways experiment carefully, said Brian Martin, the 34-year-old founder and CEO of Brand Connections, which also does advertising and brand promotion in hotel rooms and at outdoor sports sites such as ski resorts and golf driving ranges.

Thirty-five percent of airline travelers have household incomes over $100,000 a year, nearly double the percentage of the population in general. And passengers on a domestic flight are a captive audience for an average of two and a half hours. Even hard-charging Type A business travelers eventually put aside the laptop or spreadsheets and "chill," Martin said.

About six months ago, Brand Connections bought a small company, Sky Media, which had the exclusive North American patent for "wrapping a tray table" with a heavy laminated ad. Sky Media had the contract with US Airways.

Martin said Brand Connections was talking with other domestic airlines about the tray-table ads.

He and US Airways say the ads have generated overwhelmingly positive reaction, primarily because they are all creatively designed to convey information, often with lots of words rather than the heavily attention-seeking graphics associated with magazines. Clients have included Mercedes-Benz, Bose, Microsoft, Bank of America, Verizon and several national consumer products.

As the ads migrate to the premium seats, many will probably be especially designed for first class, "geared to reaching executives who can pull the trigger" on corporate purchases, Martin said. He said he expected in-flight ads to be integrated into larger campaigns reaching into hotel rooms and airports, sometimes linked to promotional offers and products.

I asked him how far this could go, meaning a captive audience is not just exposed to tray tables -- the whole airplane can be seen as a billboard. And subway cars have been festooned with overhead ads since Teddy Roosevelt was president.

"We would draw the line at things like ads on overhead bins," Christ said.
Initial worries that such advertising would annoy passengers have been allayed, the airline and its advertising partner say. Research indicates that more passengers than expected like and retain messages from tray-table advertising, they say.

I'd like to know who and how many people they polled to find out if we were annoyed with tray table advertisements?

I find it interesting there was a backlash against too many billboards along our highways a number of years ago so they stopped the overpopulation of billboards defacing the landscape. But it's entirely OK to have constant advertising on our computers with pop-ups, massive spam emails, advertisments in pay per view TV shows.

And since we're "captive audiences" because we're sitting on a plane, where we have to listen to the drooning on and on by the F/A's for those PHUCKING credit cards, now we get more and more tray table advertising.

When will we say NO MORE !

Hey Doug.........let's repaint your planes into a livery that is 1 big ugly a$$ flying advertisment. You've turned US into the GHETTO BUS for certain.

Keep up the good work. :up: I'm sure you've got a large paycheck coming your way soon for all the hard work you've accomplished.
So, advertising in coach isn'e enough. More greed leads the company to start advertising on First class trays. See below.

By Joe Sharkey, New York Times

Many airlines use advertising, but so far only US Airways does so on something as in-your-face as a tray table. Airlines, though, are increasingly placing ads on napkins, ticket jacket folders and even air-sickness bags. In Europe and Asia, some small airlines put ads on overhead bins, and a few even have big ads painted on fuselages.
Here it comes folks, Wal-Mart painted on the sides of A330's, 767's- Iron City Beer, 757's-Taco Bell, 321's-Comcast Cable, 320's-Jack in the Box, 319's-Diet Pepsi, 733's-Glidden Paints (That's if it stays on a 737), 734-Carnival Cruise Lines, RJ's-Lawyers Ads

:( :( :( :(
Forget about the fact this it is advertising. I like the ads, they are colorful and easy to look at.

I don't think the idea is a bad one at all. When I get on airplanes without the advertising, the trays look dirty and bare. America West has done this for a few years and most FA's think it looks better. There are some very nice ads.

Give it a chance.
Forget about the fact this it is advertising. I like the ads, they are colorful and easy to look at.

I don't think the idea is a bad one at all. When I get on airplanes without the advertising, the trays look dirty and bare. America West has done this for a few years and most FA's think it looks better. There are some very nice ads.

Give it a chance.


It has to STOP and the time is NOW !! I am sick and tired of the constant advertisments that bombard us on a daily basis. For example.....have you ever watched a commercial for ENZYTE? Take notice that you are actually watching 2 commercials back to back. Yes they are amusing commercials and you get a giggle out of it but who really PHUCKING cares about male impotence that it must be ERECTED in your face twice?

I say let's just dress the F/A's in a NASCAR type outfit and be done with it. Then all those advertising patches can hide your lumps and rolls under the jumpsuit.

If they must add more advertising then put it in the crappy inflight magazine. I for one am also sick and tired of the full page ads for condominiums in LAS or new homes in PHX. Use the "won't win any awards" magazine for what it was designed to do. But keep your tray table ads out of my line of sight.
When I get on airplanes without the advertising, the trays look dirty and bare. America West has done this for a few years and most FA's think it looks better. There are some very nice ads.

Give it a chance.

sky high states: NOT IN FIRST CLASS!!!! Sheesh, are they going to put them in ENVOY CLASS to Europe? Wouldnt that be CLASSY????
It's just another way to devalue the service and now, the appearance of the first class cabin domestically.

only stating opinions
The only place they should be is on the inside of the lavatory where there is a real purpose for relaxation therapy. Especially on the inside of the door. Beats looking at a blank wall. And don't put them on the tray tables to cover the dirt. Maybe we should try cleaning them instead.


but our First isn't really first class now is it. I never understood why we can't have a 3 class config over the pond. But thats another thread..

Does it really matter? It's not like US has any real catering--how often are the tray tables even used in FC? What I think will be interesting is to see if the advertisers complain because the tray tables are so filthy that no one can read the ad.
Thirty-five percent of airline travelers have household incomes over $100,000 a year, nearly double the percentage of the population in general. NOT FOR LONG! :(
And passengers on a domestic flight are a captive audience for an average of two and a half hours. Even hard-charging Type A business travelers eventually put aside the laptop or spreadsheets and "chill," Martin said.

If they must add more advertising then put it in the crappy inflight magazine. I for one am also sick and tired of the full page ads for condominiums in LAS or new homes in PHX. Use the "won't win any awards" magazine for what it was designed to do. But keep your tray table ads out of my line of sight.

What is the deal with that? PHX and LAS bombardment of advertising....enough already! The boarding video which used to have nice relaxing music and pretty pictures now has an obscene and obnoxious advertisment for what else Las Vegas thrown right in the middle of it! Good grief, this airline flies to some of the biggest business centers and most historic cities in Europe and we're advertising Las Vegas, Phoenix, and yes even Tempe! :down: Why Tempe? Trust me, you do not want to go to Tempe unless you are going to ASU! B)
But to make comment on it makes you a complainer. We are to just sit back and embrace these changes? The airline is ghetto, ghetto. Keep worrying about looking fab in your new uniform. :rolleyes: