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Fundraiser for NWA History Centre


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Right in the middle.
Some of you may have already received this email, but I thought I'd pass it on just the same. For those of you who have never visited the center, it's well worth it. You can check it out at: http://www.nwahistory.org/
"The annual Give to the Max Day is coming Thursday, November, 14th, mark your calendar..”The nation’s largest Giving Day with millions donated and thousands of generous donors”

Support “your” NWA History Centre on November 14th.  A gift of any amount makes a difference.

Go to the web site - http://www.giveMN.org
Click on Donate
Enter NWA History Centre in the search box.  Remember, Centre ends in “re” not “er”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            With your donation you will be entered in hourly drawings that add $1,000 to your donation, randomly selected from donors who gave during each hour of the event, as well as a $10,000 Super-sized Golden Ticket at the end of the event.
Your donation will help maintain our facility and programs.

If you're going to be traveling, busy volunteering, or otherwise unavailable to go online November 14, visit GiveMN.org and schedule your donations today!

Simply go to NWA History Centre page on GiveMN.org where you will see a checkbox that says "Make my donation count for Give to the Max Day 2013." (Note: You will be required to create a free GiveMN account if you have not already done so.)

Donations scheduled now through November 13 will be processed at midnight on November 14 and are eligible for the first hourly drawing, Super-sized Golden Ticket drawing at the end of the event.  (Scheduled giving is not available via GiveMN Mobile, so if you visit givemn.org on a mobile device, you will need to click on "full site" at the bottom of the page to use the scheduled donation feature.)"
I see Wayne Snyder is a volunteer.

I remember talking to him many times over the years when he was a Maintenance Controller.
Many Than...' Kev '....for the  'giveMN'  link.  I just sent them $50.....in care of the Minnesota Vikings Childrens Fund.
NOT surprised that something this good, is coming out of Minnesota. That state is (IMO) the BEST STATE in the USA. (YES, even better than NH.) The ONLY good thing missing in  MN. is some mountains. (and the Blonde haired, blue eyed ladies up there ain't too shabby neither)  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mountains would be nice. Where else can you go to a ski resort where the parking lot is at the /top/ of the run? :lol:

BTW, it looks like the current total raised for all groups is just over $18m!
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