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Frankly, we are petrified by the tea party...


Jan 10, 2010
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Not surprisingly after balloon deflated of what was "hope and change", those left wandering about, not knowing what to occupy their time with have a new support group to commiserate in their misery.

Its called the "Coffee Party" Try not to laugh too hard. Its rather sad. Started and organized by the Obama political operative Annabel Park, they met at Panarea Bread shops around the country, all 40 of them.

What did they discuss? http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/state/co...-as-351672.html

"Frankly, we are petrified by the tea party and what they stand for and what they're talking about," said Monte Carmel, a retired business executive from West Palm Beach.
And well they should, its called FED UP with Washington not listening to the people. Hope and change blew up in their face and a whole lot of people are having voters remorse.

"To me, government is the answer. I'm really sort of perplexed," said a man named Joe who said he had been a teacher for 44 years.
Yikes, theres a shocker there, a lifer public teacher supported hand and foot by the taxpayer and backed by the unions...wanting more government.

"We have to stop the mantra of no taxes, no taxes, no taxes," said Marcia Halpern of Palm Beach Gardens.
Good luck with that. But lets see how you feel if and when Obama gets his socialist wish and crams down more takeovers and the middle class is going to be the ones to pay for it.

"Sometimes it bothers me when the word 'civility' comes up," said Brownstein, who said people on "the other side....are not civil to us."
Pot meet Kettle, maybe those that are so quick to call Tea Party "Tea Baggers" should get a clue first.

"The foundation of all of this is racism," said Milich, who is white.
Bingo! I knew it would be a matter of time till they brought that up. Guess they are clueless about the many, many persons of color associated and active in the Tea Party. But lets not have ignorance ruin their belligerence.
Yeah....tea party members been burning crosses in my neighborhood...Bob Byrd stopped by last week and lit one off for us.
Yep..................there's one hidden up every Liberal Democrats sleeve !
Yep..................there's one hidden up every Liberal Democrats sleeve !

Forgot the obligatory democratic seal:

Oh look im sure these people will be labeled as Tea Party racists. A white woman married to a black supreme court justice starting her own Tea Party group.

I cant wait to see how they gonna spin this one....lol

Justice's wife launches 'tea party' group
The nonprofit run by Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is likely to test notions of political impartiality for the court.

Linky link: http://tinyurl.com/yjeuy8a
i'm scared of te tea party as well , they seem irrational .

i would join the coffe party movment just to counter them .
I'm sure the majority of "Coffee Partiers" don't even understand what the original Tea Party was all about ! :shock:

Go get yourselves another Frappacino and Danish..................all is well with Obama and his posse at the helm !
I'm sure the majority of "Coffee Partiers" don't even understand what the original Tea Party was all about ! :shock:
From the tea party held in my town, the tea parties were about the right to own a gun...the right of a fetus to be born, the right for prayer in school, and opposition to taxes that have yet to be implemented. Perhaps many tea partiers aren't quite sure what the original tea parties were all about either.
Not surprisingly after balloon deflated of what was "hope and change", those left wandering about, not knowing what to occupy their time with have a new support group to commiserate in their misery.

Its called the "Coffee Party" Try not to laugh too hard. Its rather sad. Started and organized by the Obama political operative Annabel Park, they met at Panarea Bread shops around the country, all 40 of them.

It's actually impossible not to laugh, especially after: "To me, government is the answer. I'm really sort of perplexed," I'll give the man his due. if he honestly believes "government is the answer"...then he's definately at least "perplexed", if not worthy of the Guinness Book for the all time most utterly naieve person ever....or perhaps just certifiably insane. I guess there's not much of the real world to be seen within his classrooms. The truly pathetic part is that such a person is "teaching" children in America.
"Forget about your Freedom, self disciplne and individual responsibility...Government is the answer!".
Tea party and recent election results has the left very worried. Look at the newest attacks from left media.
What frightens or should frighten EVERY member of both major parties is the grass roots nature of this spontaneous uprising against excess government intervention into the daily lives of the average wage earner/family.

It doesn't really matter what their views are. What matters is they have risen up and essentially said "We're mad as He!! and we're not going to take it any more" to whomever is currently in power. Today that happens to be the left wing of the Republicrat Party.
From the tea party held in my town, the tea parties were about the right to own a gun...the right of a fetus to be born, the right for prayer in school, and opposition to taxes that have yet to be implemented. Perhaps many tea partiers aren't quite sure what the original tea parties were all about either.

And I honestly believe, that the "Original Tea-Partiers", would support every cause you listed above.....................go figure !