SparrowHawk said:
Was listening to my friend, the late Hazel Dickens and this clip came up and I thought of you. Hope you enjoy this and another.
Jesus..Sparrow, you got the ol' Bear with Tears dripping down his snout/
Where to begin.
Matewan was one of the Greatest movies ever made, right up there with my personal favorite " Dance with Wolves".
Hazel Dickens Best song in my opinion is "Fire in the Hole"........"Turn your buckets over, turn your lanterns Low, cause there ain't gonna' be NO Fire in the HOLE" !! God Bless her !
Nancy Mette ('Bridey mae Toliver') sang that song in the movie !
My only two beefs with the W. VA. miners today, is, as union men, a lot of them are voting REPUG.
Second,....................Blowing the tops off of mountains is unconscionable !
Nonetheless Sparrow,.I'm deeply grateful to you for sending me that HEAVY DUTY stuff !