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Fahrenheit 514


Sep 28, 2003
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This will be a documentary about the lies and deception of the 514. The funneling of members dues to socialistic causes that normally conservative midwestern members would never otherswise think about giving money to. How much of the 514 membership would support gun control, same sex marrage, or the legitimization of illegal immigration in which the result is American jobs taken away from Americans from the inside? Did we ever get to vote on this agenda?

The film will be about blatent attempts to steal democracy away from a union membership. To dilute a class and craft so much that it will never be able to assert itself and its rights again. An effort to make all workers the same, one class, and to give them the same basic compensation regardless of the amount of training, education and liability they have. About using a person's technical knowledge and skill to improve the pay and benefits of others who are not inclined to put in the extra after-hours work in which to improve their situation in life.

This movie will be about power and corruption. About saying and doing anything to bring in coveted funds in which to advance a hidden socialist agenda. Union dues, COPE money, insurance scams and soon control of retirement funds will all be used to advance the cause of the leftist socialist liberal movement out of New York. The only thing that stands in the way is our independent thinking. Our common sense.

This summer be afraid...be very afraid!

Who's union is this?
proAMFA said:
...American jobs taken away from Americans from the inside? Did we ever get to vote on this agenda?...
Sounds like SRP's and OSMs... :down:
I don't get the connection between the 911 movie and our TWU..Not sure if your comments are meant to endorse Mr. Moores movie or marginalize it.. I'd be willing to bet you have not read any of his books nor seen any of his movies but instead use the talking heads of media to garner opinion over fact..

The social and moral issues you mention have nothing to do with worker rights and unionism but the fact of the matter is for whatever reason people will not register to vote and will not band together for common causes.. A few years ago during the RTW drive in Oklahoma a local Congressman received 28 calls voicing opposition.. Of the 28 less than half were registered to vote and of those registered about half of them were Republicans.. It does not take a genius to see where this leads and this is why big business has rolled over on us..

Confounding the local farmers here with 2nd ammendment threats, abortion, gay rights and others does nothing but divide the electorate away from the business at hand.. Can anyone else see this??????

Jim- Tulsa

I have read Michael Moore and I have seen Roger and Me, Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 911. The subject is American's losing control. With the 514 we are losing control.

The last post I had to cut short, you deserve a better response. I believe the movie is about American's losing control of their government. Mr. Moore believes that we are asleep at the wheel while our government and big business team up to drive us more and more away from a democratic society. The issues Mr. Moore brings up include issues dealing with the working man. I am sure that Mr. Moore is pro-worker.
I am not sure how Mr. Moore stands as far as being for or against the independent union. I know for fact Mr. Moore is against totalitarianism. Totalitarianism on the left is the same if not worse than totalitarianism from the right. I know it sounds like I am getting a little philisophical on you but when you have people paid by the 514 to work on agenda's that strip away the right of the working man to choose his own representation than we are much closer to totalitarianism from the left than I ever want to be.
Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing. Sure I like the benefits of having a union. I would much rather have a weak union than no union. All I am saying is that when a union works to deny the memberships right to have an election and calls someone a good union member for indorsing this point of view and then calls someone a bad union member because they want to exercise their right to choose their representation than you and I should be afraid-very afraid.

I personally would have more respect for union that does not want to strip away my right to choose. I would have more respect if the union admitted that the membership had a right to an election if they so desired. I would have more respect if they had to campaign and earn my vote rather than to pay people to work at taking away my vote. Comprende? It is not right to strip the memberships right to vote for representation. It is not right to indorse this point of view. It is not right to spend our dues money on agenda's we do not know about and certainly would not wish our dues money to be spent on.

Fahrenhit 911 is about losing control. AMFA is about returning control to the membership. Michael Moore believes that Americans need to take control of their country. I believe we need to take control of our union.
After reading a couple of Michael Moore books , seeing his TV show and movies I would think that Mr Moore would have little use for the likes of Sonny Hall or Jim Little. I think he would be turned off by some of the rhetoric that comes from the AMFA side bashing fleet service or other workers but I do think that he is intelligent enough to realize that fustration is the main drive behind such feelings. Clearly a union that negotiates massive pay and benifit cuts while giving themselves raises is not much different than what Moore was attacking in Rojer and Me.
In my post above I accuse the TWU of paying people to help strip the right to choose representation away from the membership and none of you TWU loyalist have the nerve to call me on it?
proAMFA said:
In my post above I accuse the TWU of paying people to help strip the right to choose representation away from the membership and none of you TWU loyalist have the nerve to call me on it?
Would it really do any good?