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Fact-checking the Presidential Candidates


Jun 28, 2003
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Dallas, TX
Know nothing about ritholtz other than it is a Park Avenue, New York Wealth Management firm.  Thought the results were interesting.  Seems Republicans have picked the most frequent liar in their party.  Clinton was only slightly more honest than Bernie and Biden.
As Mark Twain said,  "Suppose you had a politician  Now, suppose he were a crook.  Ah, but I repeat myself."
I'm telling you guys.  A divine right monarchy is the only way to go.  Put one person in charge.  They rule by the grace of God.  They make all the decisions.  If they screw up, you chop off their head and get their cousin from Germany.  Worked beautifully in Great Britain for centuries.
Consider that Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) is within 10 square miles of being the same size as the state of Alabama.  Now, consider that when Queen Victoria came to the throne (1836, I think), a country the size of Alabama ruled most of the known world.  Then, rampant democracy broke out in GB, and the empire went down the toilet.  Not judgin'.  Just sayin'.
THe funny thing is....the right hates Obama because he lies.  They hate HIllary because she lies.  Yet they nominate a candidate who makes those two look like saints when it comes to lying.  And somehow that's okay.   I guess at AA they used to say the Bob Crandall was a SOB, but he was OUR SOB...same thing with Trump.  He may be a lying SOB, but he's OUR lying SOB...and somehow this is okay. 
KCFlyer said:
THe funny thing is....the right hates Obama because he lies.  They hate HIllary because she lies.  Yet they nominate a candidate who makes those two look like saints when it comes to lying.  And somehow that's okay.   I guess at AA they used to say the Bob Crandall was a SOB, but he was OUR SOB...same thing with Trump.  He may be a lying SOB, but he's OUR lying SOB...and somehow this is okay. 
Now you are learning... 😛
delldude said:
Misrepresentations, lies or ####ing outright lies?
The "fact" is that Trump still makes Clinton look like a saint, regardless of what type.   But of the two liars....one was grilled for an entire day - insulted at times.  And she handled it pretty well.  If Trump underwent anything close to the Benghanzi "investigation", Twitter would have melted down. 
of course she handled it, she's a career politician who's made a career and a lot of money much from lying.
as far as that poll, I'd question the accuracy of any poll suggesting she's lied less than Bernie
Nice try, but the "fact checking" was done by PolitiFart, who labels themselves as neutral yet are comprised entirely of print media reporters, which may as well have "DNC" tattooed on their foreheads.

They've been called out before for reporting negative stories on conservatives at a rate 15x or 16x that of liberals, so that's going to skew their findings by more than just a rounding error.

Also, notice how they don't show the sample size for each candidate?... Yeah, selective data usually results in selective interpretation.
KCFlyer said:
The "fact" is that Trump still makes Clinton look like a saint, regardless of what type.   But of the two liars....one was grilled for an entire day - insulted at times.  And she handled it pretty well.  If Trump underwent anything close to the Benghanzi "investigation", Twitter would have melted down. 
What is the focus of your scope?
Since the days at the WH, Hillary has lied and covered up more things than Trump ever will.
And where do you come off as a spokesman for the right claiming everyone 'hates' Obama or this person or that person?
I don't 'hate' Obama, just saw through his bullcrap ideology from day one that most on this and other forums failed to see and now grudgingly resist admitting they were wrong.