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FAA Wants to Fine Cessna $840K


Nov 15, 2005
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The FAA has proposed a civil penalty of $840,000 against the Cessna Aircraft Company, Wichita, Kansas, for allegedly failing to comply with Federal Aviation Regulations.

The FAA alleged Cessna could not ensure that 42 new aircraft had been manufactured in accordance with the FAA-approved type design and were in condition for safe operation.

The FAA found several discrepancies in flight control rigging on aircraft under construction during an inspection of Cessna’s Independence, Kansas, facility on February 23 and 24, 2005. After that inspection, Cessna found several more cable problems on March 3, 2005.

Because the proper assembly of these 42 aircraft could not be assured, the FAA issued an Emergency Airworthiness Directive March 5, 2005 requiring the inspection of the flight control system of these aircraft prior to further flight. Subsequent inspections conducted under this directive found 12 aircraft that were not in compliance with regulations.

Cessna has responded to the notice and has requested an informal conference with the FAA.

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