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FAA certificate & SOC

I agree Jim. When we start sharing crews & airplanes it will be confusing. I think a better setup for when we have 1 certficate/2 ops centers: have each center handle separate fleets, instead of east/west ops.

Of course, I hope SOC stays in PHX ..but in a way it would be nice to have the SOC away from HQ . .less managment types walking through! lol

Beleieve me. You want to keep it in PHX.
I agree Jim. When we start sharing crews & airplanes it will be confusing. I think a better setup for when we have 1 certficate/2 ops centers: have each center handle separate fleets, instead of east/west ops.

Of course, I hope SOC stays in PHX ..but in a way it would be nice to have the SOC away from HQ . .less managment types walking through! lol
Interesting...........maybe not less management, but different management. 😀

I wonder if the OCC/SOC location will have anything to do with the MCC/MOC pairing??? Aren't they in the same location on the east and on the west??

Sure would hate to see the digs at the Flight Center in PHX be emptied. How are the facilities in PIT??
Interesting...........maybe not less management, but different management. 😀

I wonder if the OCC/SOC location will have anything to do with the MCC/MOC pairing??? Aren't they in the same location on the east and on the west??

Sure would hate to see the digs at the Flight Center in PHX be emptied. How are the facilities in PIT??

State of the art. However, Pittsburgh's best Mexican restaurant is Taco Bell. Chi Chi's closed a few years ago because someone expired from eating some of their cuisine.
They put the Velveeta cheese in the "gourmet" food section at the Giant Eagle.

They do have good Polish and Italian food. The Wings, Suds, and Spuds can solve your low cholesterol problems.
Great sports town. Great people. Weather is not quite like PHX in the winter.

I hope they move it all to PHX. Part of USAirway's high costs have been having too many facilities spread out across the country. Crystal City for corporate HQ. RIDC Park in PIT for middle management and OCC. Training in PIT and CLT(PIT Sims finally in CLT). Much of our executive "talent" is bouncing back and forth on airplanes when they could be working on making the company successful.
State of the art. However, Pittsburgh's best Mexican restaurant is Taco Bell. Chi Chi's closed a few years ago because someone expired from eating some of their cuisine.
They put the Velveeta cheese in the "gourmet" food section at the Giant Eagle.

They do have good Polish and Italian food. The Wings, Suds, and Spuds can solve your low cholesterol problems.
Great sports town. Great people. Weather is not quite like PHX in the winter.

I hope they move it all to PHX. Part of USAirway's high costs have been having too many facilities spread out across the country. Crystal City for corporate HQ. RIDC Park in PIT for middle management and OCC. Training in PIT and CLT(PIT Sims finally in CLT). Much of our executive "talent" is bouncing back and forth on airplanes when they could be working on making the company successful.

Good point........."talent" flying more than they should be.....especially at this point in the deal.

I too hope it stays in PHX. Aren't a lot of "things" in PIT decreasing?? Agreed, time to consolidate. My vote is PHX. :up:
To satisfy a Federal Aviation Administration request, Crellin said he designated Pittsburgh, the larger of the two operations, as the company's "primary" flight control center, and Phoenix as a satellite center.

"Ultimately, this will be a financial decision," Crellin said. "Do we move all operations to Pittsburgh, (because) the Phoenix center is not big enough so we might have to purchase land. Or do we look at a third location. Eventually, we will concentrate the centers."

Who can afford to move from PIT to PHX?

Living under a bridge is great if it never rains. I hear it rained in PHX this week.
And just the same........who can afford or wants to move to PIT??? Tough situation for a lot of employees. :unsure:

Yes, it did finally rain and snow too!! I had 3 inches in my rain guage this morning. Feast or famine or should I say, flood or drought. 😀
A major tech-ops move from either city will result in major losses in employees. Many on both sides are unwillingly to move.
A major tech-ops move from either city will result in major losses in employees. Many on both sides are unwillingly to move.
Hire bottom of the scale this is what US does seniority is a liability this is what has been taught to many senior employees to compete with WN B9 etc...
If it comes down to consolidating the operational control centers, PHX is the obvious choice.

When there is a WX (i.e.snow) fiasco in the northeast and the US/east operation is majorly impacted, the very employees who can keep the airline moving are usually impacted in their ability to even report for work in PIT.

At least in PHX if employees need to be called in on an emergency basis, they can't decline on the basis of their roads and driveways not being plowed.
When there is a WX (i.e.snow) fiasco in the northeast and the US/east operation is majorly impacted, the very employees who can keep the airline moving are usually impacted in their ability to even report for work in PIT.

Then it's the employees, because in the 10 or so years that I lived in/around PIT, I think I failed to get to work (5 of which were less than 2 miles from the US OCC) maybe once due to snow.
If it comes down to consolidating the operational control centers, PHX is the obvious choice.

When there is a WX (i.e.snow) fiasco in the northeast and the US/east operation is majorly impacted, the very employees who can keep the airline moving are usually impacted in their ability to even report for work in PIT.

At least in PHX if employees need to be called in on an emergency basis, they can't decline on the basis of their roads and driveways not being plowed.
Regarding weather, there was one quote in the article linked above that made no sense:

Also, given more volatile East Coast weather, the company is hesitant to give up the center.

If anything, that would make the company want to NOT keep it back east.
Then it's the employees, because in the 10 or so years that I lived in/around PIT, I think I failed to get to work (5 of which were less than 2 miles from the US OCC) maybe once due to snow.

I'm not saying that the snow would prevent an employee from getting to work to cover an emergency shift. I'm saying that the presence of snow can be used as an excuse to decline the opportunity to "help out," as our own crew schedulers are so wont to say.
Regarding weather, there was one quote in the article linked above that made no sense:

Also, given more volatile East Coast weather, the company is hesitant to give up the center.

If anything, that would make the company want to NOT keep it back east.
I think that was a reference to losing the east OCC employees,if office was moved,that have many years of experience putting the operation back together after a major snowstorm etc. I am not aware of the west side losing 30-40 percent of the operation for a two day period.