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F/A Contract Opening?

Ken MacTiernan

Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
San Diego CA
Can a AA F/A confirm that the company is interested in opening your contract and offering to give back the pay cuts in return for your having no more sick time and freezing your pensions. I am NOT starting a rumor. I was told this second hand from someone who knows a AA employee whose wife is a AA F/A. Thanks for any answers. Also, if this is true, what is your feeling that this would pass.
AA F/A confirm that the company is interested in opening your contract

APFA Hotline for Friday, April 7, 2006
In Rumor Control: several F/A’s inquired this week about whether the Company has come to us for concessions/paycuts/you name it. Not only has the company not come to us for concessions, but APFA has no intention of opening up our Contract until our amendable date on April 30, 2008.
Also, if this is true, what is your feeling that this would pass.

Nothing will happen overnight. To many factors to watch for at the moment. Namely NW, Delta, and Oil. Need to wait and see! Hope I answered your question.

Nothing will happen overnight. To many factors to watch for at the moment. Namely NW, Delta, and Oil. Need to wait and see! Hope I answered your question.
I don't believe anything the APFA has to say. They also claimed that availability was not being threatened!
Would this pass? I think as long as there is some way for the sick F/A to make up lost wages iaat would.
Usually there is some truth to rumors,so let's see what happens.
First off, IIRC under Federal law, the company can not offer paid sick leave to one group of employees and deny it to another group whether represented or not.

Second, the current contract with the RPA modifications is in place until 2008. There ain't no openers scheduled anytime soon. From last Friday's APFA hotline...

"In Rumor Control: several F/As inquired this week about whether the Company has come to us for concessions/paycuts/you name it. Not only has the company not come to us for concessions, but APFA has no intention of opening up our Contract until our amendable date on April 30, 2008."

(Of course, this may also mean that voting on the new concessions may start any day now. :lol: )
First off, IIRC under Federal law, the company can not offer paid sick leave to one group of employees and deny it to another group whether represented or not.
Can you go a little more into detail on this because mechanics are paid half pay for sick pay, fleet service gets full pay, management gets full pay. So I'm not sure what you're getting at with the law. Do tell, I'm definitely interested.
First off, IIRC under Federal law, the company can not offer paid sick leave to one group of employees and deny it to another group whether represented or not.

You're correct that SK leave can't be denied to one workgroup if offered to another, but it most certainly can be reduced or eliminated based on mutual negotiations, as was already noted by AMFAMan with regard to the M&R contract.
I'm sure that It's VERY apparent to all, by now, that after HORTONS speech, that their "burning the Midnite Oil up in HDQ, with NO ONE safe(Including the folks "IN" HDQ !!

Can you go a little more into detail on this because mechanics are paid half pay for sick pay, fleet service gets full pay, management gets full pay. So I'm not sure what you're getting at with the law. Do tell, I'm definitely interested.

Original poster stated that the rumor he heard was that f/as would have "no more" sick leave. There is a difference between the rates at which sick leave is paid and whether you get it at all. F/As on reserve or availability are only paid 4.10 hours for a sick day. Lineholders are paid only the value of the trip missed--which is between 15 and 20 hours for a 3-day trip.

Only part-time employees (in most companies) can be denied benefits given to full-time employees.
A little correction, a 3day trip can be up to 27 and change,I.E. PVG

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