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F/A Bases

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Mar 24, 2008
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I see ads for open house interviews, and am considering going. Can anyone tell me where I would most likely be based (what are the junior bases)?
I have a friend who is a f/a for Alaska. He is based in Seattle which is their most senior base. I think the other two bases are in Anchorage, Alaska and Los Angeles. I'm not sure which is more junior. My friend has been with them for 2.5 years. He is still on straight reserve at Seattle which I think he said goes to about 5 years there. I remember he said that if he transferred to Los Angeles, he would be off reserve; so, I'm guessing that LA is their most junior base.
Thanks, jim - that would be great news as LA is far more commutable than ANK!
I talked with my friend at Alaska this afternoon. They also have a f/a base at Portland, OR. However, I was remembering correctly...Los Angeles and Anchorage are their two most junior bases. That being said, just remember that things can change quickly. My friend got Seattle right out of training.

When I started training at AA in July, 2000, we were told that our first base would be LGA, ORD, BOS, or DCA. 3 weeks into training DFW opened for new hires for the first time since 1989. When I graduated in early September, I was assigned to DFW immediately. Of course, being the oldest one to graduate in my class, I got first choice. :up:
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