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Examining US Airways business partner: Divided United Airlines in This Sunday''s Chicago Tribune

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May 18, 2003
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Examining a Divided United Airlines in This Sunday's Chicago Tribune
Examining a Divided United Airlines in This Sunday's Chicago Tribune

Four-Part Series Traces Decisions That Ultimately Led to Bankruptcy Court

CHICAGO (PRNewswire) - Stock that peaked at nearly $230 a share in 1996 has plummeted to pennies. Employment has plunged from 102,101 to 67,040. United Airlines executives would blame the sputtering economy and Osama bin Laden's crew of terrorists for pushing their company to the brink of oblivion.

Complete Story: http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030711/cgf038_1.html

Chip comments: I find it interesting the Chicago Tribune wrote in their press release, United Airlines executives would blame the sputtering economy and Osama bin Laden's crew of terrorists for pushing their company to the brink of oblivion. But a six-month investigation by Chicago Tribune reporters indicates otherwise.

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Examining a Divided United Airlines in This Sunday's Chicago Tribune
As pointed out by another member on a different forum, the credibility and accuracy of this article falls on it's face in the first 10 words:

"-- Stock that peaked at nearly $230 a share in 1996..."

Anything after that is just not worth reading. The stock was never near that price. It peaked just slightly over $100.

I encourage others to leave this post alone and move on.
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