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Dont Forget To Vote - PROXIES


Aug 19, 2002
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I havent received a proxy for the annual meeting for several years, not that my measely shares would have mattered in the overall scheme of things, but I got two this year. One for the shares vested and one for the upcoming shares. I wanted to remind everyone to vote. All of our measely shares combined might not add up to much, but if you feel strongly about someone on the Board or one of the issues being voted on, I suggest you vote. At least you will have a clear mind and feel good that you tried to do your part (wherever you might stand on the issues).
This off the PIT 40 E-line sent April 24:

Dear Local 40 Members,

The USAirways Group, Inc. notice of annual meeting and proxy statement
along with the SEC 10K report for year ending 2003 has come to each
stockholder of record as of 3/24/04. You may have already received the
materials in two separate mailings. There are TWO ballots; one for "vested
shares" and one for the "unvested Class A shares". You have the right to
vote these shares as well. In order to have all your votes counted you will
need to execute and return BOTH the instruction card for your vested shares
and the enclosed Proxy Card for your unvested shares. These are to be
returned separately in two separate envelopes provided.

As shareholders, take time to exercise your right to vote.

There are 4 items for vote (proposals):

1. Board of Director Nominees.

2. Ratification the appointment of KPMG LLP as Independent Auditors of the
company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004.

3. The stock 2003 Stock incentive plan as amended and restated.

4. To approve the incentive compensation plan as amended and restated.

In addition, HOUSEHOLDING ELECTION is an election to enroll to receive
certain future shareholder communications (HH).

Please stay informed.

Local 40
Been trying to understand the " notice of annual meeting and proxy statement " sent out recently. Page 39 discusses the committees rationale for items 3 and 4 relating to the mgt stock incentive/compensation plan.

All I hear about these days is outsourcing of jobs and how all these highly skilled managers of the 90's no longer can find work. Does not supply and demand also apply in hiring Mgt? They also base their package on comparisons to the legacy airlines, not the LCC. Then they go on about increasing their salaries by 50-100% if they meet their secret objectives.

I vote NO.

One last thing...absolutley no commenting on my holding of Uair. I am embarrased enough as is.
Is it correct that proxy items 3 and 4 award:

3) stock incentives to "key employees" ( SIP-Stock Incentive Plan)

4) bonuses to "executives" and "key management employees" (ICP- Incentive Compensation Plan)

If this is true, then does it seem right that U management wants its labor groups to take a 3rd round of cuts? Hmmmm....

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