Delta's JFK Fiasco


Aug 20, 2002
Is anybody at DL aware of how many passengers it is alienating with the rinky-dink puddle jumper operation at JFK? A family member had connecting flights to SYR from JFK cancelled for MX reasons and got stranded at JFK 31 Oct - 1 Nov. No other alternatives were offered, not US out of LGA, not CO out of EWR, not B6 out of JFK. I can understand the latter because there is no agreement between B6 and DL. In any event, this family member vows to never fly DL again.
Is anybody at DL aware of how many passengers it is alienating with the rinky-dink puddle jumper operation at JFK? A family member had connecting flights to SYR from JFK cancelled for MX reasons and got stranded at JFK 31 Oct - 1 Nov. No other alternatives were offered, not US out of LGA, not CO out of EWR, not B6 out of JFK. I can understand the latter because there is no agreement between B6 and DL. In any event, this family member vows to never fly DL again.



When you mention "agreement", are you, by any chance talking about non-rev travel ??

If you are, DL does'nt "give a ####" about non-rev's who may get inconvenienced.
Also, a quick cab ride to LGA might have solved that problem.



When you mention "agreement", are you, by any chance talking about non-rev travel ??

Maybe, but I assume that the OP is talking about an agreement between B6 and DL by which DL would arrange for accomodation of revenue pax on B6 during irreg ops. IIRC, B6, like WN, doesn't participate in any interline agreements that would permit B6 to accept DL tix (and vice versa).
Is anybody at DL aware of how many passengers it is alienating with the rinky-dink puddle jumper operation at JFK? A family member had connecting flights to SYR from JFK cancelled for MX reasons and got stranded at JFK 31 Oct - 1 Nov. No other alternatives were offered, not US out of LGA, not CO out of EWR, not B6 out of JFK. I can understand the latter because there is no agreement between B6 and DL. In any event, this family member vows to never fly DL again.

Unfortunately, DL's regional operation at JFK is a mess. The facilities are poor and generally inadequate. Not to mention that at peak times, DL has scheduled far more flights than they can realistically handle. Even worse, DL relies on bottom-feeder carriers like Mesa to provide this service which further aggravates the problem.

I'm not sure what DL plans to do about their regional ops at JFK. If it's anything like DL's handling of the regional mess at ATL, the answer is probably nothing. While DL seems to be learning some lessons about customer service, other lessons still don't seem to have sunk in.
it seems odd that DL wound'nt rebook the passengers on thier Skyteam partner at EWR - CO, unless thier flights were totally full as well. I recall loads usually being very light on Halloween day too...
Don't worry. It's all part of the Masterful Plan for World Domination and Emergence from Insolvency Better Than Anyone Else Ever Has (or MPWDEIBTAEEH for short).

I'm surprised WT hasn't dropped by this thread yet to explain it.
you are going beyond the call w/ that acronym - even if it doesn't have any rhythm so you can remember it. :)

I have never had much good to say about DL's regional operations - at least as far as ASA goes.

I suspect there is more to this story than we know here. DL regularly does give passengers to other airlines so either flights weren't available. DL would have routed a passenger through CVG or on CO through CLE if seats were available. Something just doesn't smell quite right w/ this story.

If I was stuck in NYC and told there were no flights for at least a day (you mention 2 calendar dates but don't us how many hours the person was actually stuck there) to SYR, I think I'd start looking at options on my own. 2 calendar days could well be a misconnect at night. No other airlines are going to fly at 11p either. We are talking about a couple hundred miles - not an entire ocean. If a day of my life was at stake, I'd search for alternatives, do what I had to do, and take it up with the company later.

And even though DL doesn't have a ticketing agreement w/ B6, you can always ask for an involuntary refund and go back a ticket yourself.

Regardless of what the situation is, if you don't like the answer you are getting from any customer service person ask to speak to a supervisor or get on the phone and start making some noise to everyone that will listen in reservations or a company's headquarters. I have been thrown enough roadblocks by companies to know that the timid get walked over. I have to wonder if this party even questioned anything about what he was offered.

Maybe there's validity to it but I've read enough customer complaints on the internet about all kinds of businesses to know that there usually is alot of the truth missing in the stories that get paraded out - and I've said the same things about some of the stories people say about other airlines.

that doesn't mean DL's JFK operation doesn't need some work but somehow the story may not be everything that's portrayed here.
Rather than spending 1-2 days at JFK, (to get to SYR), I personally, would have been on the "AIR-TRAIN" at JFK to PENN station, had breakfast, and been on the first AMTRAK trip from PENN station NY, to SYR., in time to catch the 6pm news !

that would have been flight 6187 which canceled due to maintanence at about 830pm - the next flight to SYR, 6188, left JFK with a full passenger load, not sure how many passengers were rebooked from 6187 and how many were originally on that flight...CO from EWR was not an option, their flight leaves EWR at 920pm and no way to get a bus load of folks from JFK to EWR in under an hour..USAir would not be an option for me to offer if I were the gate agent, their flight leaves LGA at 959pm, granted more time then CO but when you figure in arranging for a bus, claiming luggage and the drive you may not make the check-in cut off times...
I am sorry for your families problems at JFK, but can honestly say at that hour there is absolutely very little that can be done for inconvenienced passengers, I deal with that in south Florida when flights cancel at the end of the day...
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Rather than spending 1-2 days at JFK, (to get to SYR), I personally, would have been on the "AIR-TRAIN" at JFK to PENN station, had breakfast, and been on the first AMTRAK trip from PENN station NY, to SYR., in time to catch the 6pm news !


Had you taken the Air-Train from JFK to Penn Station in anticipation of taking the train to SYR, you'd have had to wait until the first train the next day out of NYP, somewhere around 7 AM. There are 4 trains daily between NYP and SYR; the last one of the day leaves NYP around 3 PM or maybe earlier, if I recall correctly. The family member had flown in from a European location, arriving probably mid-late afternoon and is not as experienced a traveler as you or I.
Had you taken the Air-Train from JFK to Penn Station in anticipation of taking the train to SYR, you'd have had to wait until the first train the next day out of NYP, somewhere around 7 AM. There are 4 trains daily between NYP and SYR; the last one of the day leaves NYP around 3 PM or maybe earlier, if I recall correctly. The family member had flown in from a European location, arriving probably mid-late afternoon and is not as experienced a traveler as you or I.


Again, sorry for the tough experience !!

The old saying is True; "Experience IS the best TEACHER"

within the next year or so customers will begin seeing signifcant improvements in the Delta JFK experience, however it will get slightly annoying and frustrating before it's all better...
It's always disappointing to see stories like this one...especially when there are good alternatives. B6 has a late JFK-SYR flight (around 10:00pm). US has a late LGA-SYR flight, as well.

DL should have found a way to get these pax on their way - either through an interline w/ US - or - a refund that would have enabled them to go buy a ticket for the late B6 flight.
within the next year or so customers will begin seeing signifcant improvements in the Delta JFK experience, however it will get slightly annoying and frustrating before it's all better...


One thing that DEFINITLY needs to change at DL/JFK is that nasty old 50's/60's terminal.

Last time I walk thru there, I swear I saw HUMPHREY BOGART :shock: :shock:


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