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Delta Air CEO to waive merger compensation

That's outstanding! Maybe he can donate the proceeds to Delta's supervisory/administrative employees that hadn't had a step increase since former CFO Michele Burns put them on step increase "freeze" July 2001!

Oh, by the way broken. I thought Delta wanted to get rid of the "entitlement" mentality?

From your article:

"A company spokesman said in a statement on Wednesday Anderson will "waive any accelerated compensation that he would otherwise be entitled to in the event of a merger."


"...News of Anderson's offer to the board was first reported in the Wall Street Journal which said he would have been entitled to "millions of dollars" after a merger."
...well, the admin group did receive something back in late '02 early '03 when they moved to market based pay. Most people ended up with a raise. That, however, was lost during the 2 paycuts.
...well, the admin group did receive something back in late '02 early '03 when they moved to market based pay. Most people ended up with a raise. That, however, was lost during the 2 paycuts.

Flyhigh: Again, Delta's supervisory/administrative employees hadn't had a step increase since former CFO Michele Burns put them on step increase "freeze" July 2001! A step increase is based on the employee's performance, not a general or blanket increase for groups/all.
Flyhigh: Again, Delta's supervisory/administrative employees hadn't had a step increase since former CFO Michele Burns put them on step increase "freeze" July 2001! A step increase is based on the employee's performance, not a general or blanket increase for groups/all.
I work at LAX and I don't see the supervisor doing anything extra to deserve a raise. I think the ramp doing more with less should get the raise. They are the one's who need the raise not supervisors. I see them doing less after the cuts.

I was being humorous. The only thing that got me a raise during my time there was market based pay (always nice to know you're underpaid) and promotions...never got a you've been good in your current role raise. I know that, but at least there was a dim light at the end of the very long tunnel.
I work at LAX and I don't see the supervisor doing anything extra to deserve a raise. I think the ramp doing more with less should get the raise. They are the one's who need the raise not supervisors. I see them doing less after the cuts.

Come Fly,

At Delta, a raise and a step increase are two different animals.

Is anyone here actually stupid enough to believe that Anderson isn't going to get huge bonuses and personal profits from any merger deal??? Does anybody actually believe the BS that comes out of his mouth?
Is anyone here actually stupid enough to believe that Anderson isn't going to get huge bonuses and personal profits from any merger deal??? Does anybody actually believe the BS that comes out of his mouth?

Dougie (stealin) does. That's why he has done the same thing on Wed.

Now...he really thinks that we are stupid enough not to see the bigger picture. He thinks that will assuage our reluctance with this merger, knowing that he will be gone. He then can stand by until the stock of the new company (of which he will have PLENTY) rises through the roof...then he can cash out with it triple the value of his $7.5 million.

Hey rat face, we went to school too. (sickening lawyer scum)

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