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December 14 ALPA code-a-phone udate

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MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE -December 14, 2002[BR][BR]This is Roy Freundlich with a US Airways MEC update for early Saturday morning, December 14, with three new items: [BR][BR]Item 1. The MEC reconvened its fourth quarter meeting yesterday in PIT and passed the following resolution late Friday night to ratify Letter of Agreement 83—Accelerated Small Jets, and LOA 84—Supplementary Cost Reductions:[BR][BR]WHEREAS the Association has studied the current situation of US Airways and has concluded that additional cost reductions beyond those in the July 1, 2002 Restructuring Agreement are necessary to sustain the airline through bankruptcy and to achieve ATSB approval for a loan guarantee, and that the placement of additional small jet code share aircraft will be beneficial to the future of US Airways, and[BR][BR]WHEREAS in accordance with resolutions passed by the MEC on November 7 and on December 2, 2002, the parties entered [INTO]expedited negotiations to allow for the placement of additional US Airways small jet code share aircraft and to develop a comprehensive program of additional cost reductions, and[BR][BR]WHEREAS the negotiations concluded on the evening of Tuesday, December 10th, with a TA being reached between the Negotiating Committee and the Company, and[BR][BR]WHEREAS the MEC has concluded that the economic health of the Company will be protected by expedited ratification of the Accelerated Small Jets and Supplementary Cost Reductions LOAs no later than Friday, December 13th, and[BR][BR]WHEREAS pursuant to Article I, Section 2.C. and 2. D. of the MEC Policy Manual, the MEC has the authority to review these LOAs for seven (7) days prior to ratification and to submit these LOAs to the membership for ratification, and[BR][BR]WHEREAS the MEC has reviewed the company’s current situation, the comprehensive program of cost reductions and the relevant sections of the Policy Manual and concluded that it is in the best interests of the US Airways pilots to enter into this comprehensive program of small jet placement and additional cost reductions through ratification of LOA 83 and LOA 84 by the MEC on an expedited basis,[BR][BR]THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the MEC ratifies LOA 83 Accelerated Small Jets and LOA 84, Supplementary Cost Reductions.[BR][BR]These ratified letters of agreement, including associated attachments detailing the modifications to the Restructuring Agreement and base agreement, are available on the pilots only home page of the MEC website at usairwayspilots.org. Attachments describing changes to health and welfare benefits were also posted on the MEC website yesterday.[BR][BR]The MEC will continue its fourth quarter meeting next week on Tuesday, December 17 and Wednesday, December 18, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in PIT.[BR][BR]Item 2. In response to the MEC ratification of LOA 83 and LOA 84, the MEC Comm Center is scheduled to be reactivated on Monday, December 16, to answer questions on these LOAs. The telephone number is 800 USAIR MEC. Access to the Comm Center is restricted to US Airways pilots only and will be verified by Comm Center staff. The hours of operation are 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. eastern time.[BR][BR]Item 3. The MEC yesterday elected Captain Bill Pollock as MEC chairman. Effective January 1, 2003, Captain Pollock will succeed Captain Chris Beebe, who will assume the office of ALPA International’s vice president-finance/treasurer on that date. The remaining chairman’s term is from January 1, 2003, to March 22, 2004.[BR][BR]Next week, at the continuation of the fourth quarter meeting, the MEC will conduct an MEC officer election for vice chairman to fill the position that will be vacated by Captain Pollock’s election as chairman. Candidates for the MEC Vice Chairman position are invited to interview at the meeting when available.[BR][BR]Please remember we have 1,356 pilots on furlough, with 392 pilot furloughs scheduled for January 7, and 79 additional pilot furloughs anticipated through April 2003.[BR][BR]Thank you for listening.[BR][BR]