So DFW is electing Day and Afternoon shift section chairman. Mr. KS is running for the Day Shift position. I feel the people who are going to vote on this issue should know that Mr. KS, who protrays him self as an honorable man, looking out for your best interest, is in no way this person. How can anyone vote for a person that recently betrayed a fellow union member who is also a close friend? People make mistakes; but people of moral integrity face their mistakes and work to make a wrong into right........yet KS chose to continue this betrayal even when it was discovered. Is this the kind of moral character that you want to rely on to handle our local union affairs? I plead all of you to think closely on this! It affects all of us. This is not the person we want back in our Union Hall. Our current elected regime is still cleaning up the mess left from when KS held that office. VOTE NO :down: