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CREW Q&A begins


Oct 21, 2005
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Copied from Just plane news!

Crew Q&A Sessions with
Doug Begin Thursday in Charlotte

Thursday, Jan. 19, CEO Doug Parker will host the first in a series of pilot and flight attendant Q&A sessions. Both sessions will be held at the CLT flight center. Flight attendants will meet with Doug from 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. in room 212, with pilots meeting afterwards from noon to 1 p.m. in room 210. PHX sessions will be held next week on Jan. 24 for flight attendants and Jan. 25 for pilots.

Looks like my suggestion was taken seriously or already in the works. What ever I hope you'll all take your bodies and questions to the closest meeting. This is a shift from the old USAirways. I just hope its not just all talk and no action. Please attend and give us the scoop. <_<