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considering military aviation

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Sep 13, 2007
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Hello folks! I am considering joining the United States Marine Corps as an aviator. They have a program with a flight contract that would guarantee me a seat in flight school (I am a college graduate), and so far it is my best shot at becoming a military aviator considering my options. Have any of you been/are any of you military aviators? What traits make the difference between a good pilot and a great pilot?
Hello folks! I am considering joining the United States Marine Corps as an aviator. They have a program with a flight contract that would guarantee me a seat in flight school (I am a college graduate), and so far it is my best shot at becoming a military aviator considering my options. Have any of you been/are any of you military aviators? What traits make the difference between a good pilot and a great pilot?

Another option is the Air National Guard. I've been an ANG pilot for 14 years and it is the best career move I've ever made. In addition to serving my country, it opened the door to a civilian flying career.

In order to get a Guard slot you need to apply at every individual unit. You can get a list of unit addresses at www.goang.com.

Most units get one or two pilot slots a year. The one thing that I like about the Guard is that they look at the whole person, not just an application package. You may not have the best grades, however if you have flight time that is a huge plus. Most of our guys aren't 3.5 gpa engineers. They are average guys who want to fly. In end most of our guys do better than the active duty types in pilot training.

A good pilot is a good stick. A great pilot is a good stick, decision maker, manager and leader. Most pilots a type A's. We tend to thrive in pressure situations. We want to lead. The worst pilots I've seen are the one's who can fly the airplane but can't make a good decision and generally make dangerous decisions.

If you are interested in becoming a military pilot, the best advice I can give is that you have to have perseverance. Keep trying and you will eventually get a slot.

Good Luck.
Hello folks! I am considering joining the United States Marine Corps as an aviator. They have a program with a flight contract that would guarantee me a seat in flight school (I am a college graduate), and so far it is my best shot at becoming a military aviator considering my options. Have any of you been/are any of you military aviators? What traits make the difference between a good pilot and a great pilot?

I am recently retired marine aviator and training instructor for 40+ years. They have a great program for those who want it.

Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair or beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man... and give some back. -Al Swearengen
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