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mwereplanes said:
I have a big favor to ask. Please explain to me what the "going forward plan" is.

I must be dense because I did not hear it in the webcast. Give me the details as to what we are going to do. Let's assume that Dave gets exactly what he asks for from all the employees. What is the plan. Please be specific. Jets, routes, pay rates, work rules, staffing, etc... You know give me the particulars.
He can't tell you, it was told to him in one of his cockpit chronicle episodes (private chats with dave and jerry).
I heard Boyd's comments as well.

Also mentioned that Siegel wanted 40%%%%%%%%%%%..
No lie...

Think about what percentage WAS NOT MENTIONED>>

It matters NOT...


AFter one ramp employee made comments, the spineless sta mgr, told him,
if you don t like it go find another job.

That appers to be the story line..

****bite me*******

That 40% is about right - just not all in pay and not for every employee group.

Two cents per seat mile from labor, which was just about 4.3 cents per seat mile in the 4th quarter, means 44%.

That 44% breaks down to 20% in wages, 14% in productivity, and 9% in benefits (rounding makes it not add up to 44%). Again this is the average across the board, not the numbers for each and every employee.

BoeingBoy said:

That 40% is about right - just not all in pay and not for every employee group.

Two cents per seat mile from labor, which was just about 4.3 cents per seat mile in the 4th quarter, means 44%.

That 44% breaks down to 20% in wages, 14% in productivity, and 9% in benefits (rounding makes it not add up to 44%). Again this is the average across the board, not the numbers for each and every employee.

I don't get why many don't want U to be profitable. I know concessions are hard to take and all, and after two rounds you'd think that would be enough. However the situation is different now.

Why can't you do it for Dave?

He obviously gave a vote of confidence by taking the new pay and throwing away his parachute. He's in it with U until the end.

If only the forum had more people like USA320Pilot..
I say take the deal and Screw Dave before he screws you AGAIN! Do whatever brings you the most satisfaction, Screw Dave Siegel! The ONLY person that has your best interests at heart is that ugly puss you see in the mirror each morning and that's debatable.
Tell us how you really feel, but this time dont hold anything back. ;-)
PineyBob said:
Leave on YOUR terms, NOT HIS!
PineyBob, we might just have to do that. If US Airways fails it won't be for the lack of the employees trying. No one can codemn any employee for saying enough is enough. Lastly, there will be opportunities AFTER US Airways. I know no one wants to think about that but somebody is going to come in and take over a lot of the flying and they will need people. Get your resumes ready because with Dave Siegel in charge I give this company less than 30% of making it. The guy has no clue on people management or a plan that's in the best interests of everyone, customers included.
Yes, the employees have tried. They have given, over and over and over. Yet when All is said and done, Dve won't get blamed. The US employees will. We all know this.

There is no way on Hells Green Acres that Dave would have tried and given a 10th as much as ALL of the USAirways labor force combined.He does not have the insight or the fortitude. He is just riding a wave.

Frankly at this point, I would just as soon he takes his measily $4 million plus and leave. :down:
First concession being knocked from f/t to p/t then subsequent give backs...


******same old tune**********

Have not seen Davey's video and I aint interested....

That can be used for toilet paper when there is none... :down:
Frankly at this point, I would just as soon he takes his measily $4 million plus and leave

I agree completely.It would be addition by subtraction and money well spent. At what point does Siegel become accountable for this "Going nowhere plan"?
Let's face it. If Dave was serious he would have taken his cut and given up the golden parachute BEFORE the webcast. I think the reason he gave the april deadline for negotiations to begin is because if he detects that one or more of the unions are resisting, he'll take the golden millions and run. Dave does not lead by example. He sees what's in it for him first and then reacts. Seigel is gone before April is over.

oldiebutgoody said:
I'll tell you, I want to get behind Siegel as much as anybody. I just haven't seen anything that gives me any confidence AT ALL. There are MANY things that could have already been done, or even in the works, and they ARE NOT. Rather than institute the changes that Dave says are "necessary" and "inevitable", all I see is the same stupid scheduling operations and worst of all, press reports. Even things that Dave COULD have and SHOULD have put in a positive light he hasn't,
He hasn't even addressed the problem of Express reliability, nor what his plans are to improve our sloppy serivce, if he has any. No, he's already squandered the 1 billion e gave him. In two years he haven't seen the faintest glimmer of a business plan.
It's not the fault of Southwest, AirTran, nor JetBlue. It's BAD management. And by the way Dave, Thanks for making us the laughingstock of the industry....... :down: