Charge For Vf Employees For Flying


Oct 10, 2002
Effective 11/01 employees who took a voluntary furlough, will be charged 10%
of the highest fare(per leg) this will also show as taxable income..
He took the VF in June 03.

My friend received the news :down: on thursday..

Go figure..Unbelievable!
Let me get this straight. The thousands of flight attendants who basically did the company a favor by leaving voluntarily, thus saving the company from having to pay thousands of dollars in payouts to those who would have been involuntarily furloughed are now going to be thanked by being charged to fly??!! I have not received that letter yet. This keeps getting better and better all of the time. Thanks USAir. And do not worry about me flying on my pass privelges that I paid for all of those years and did not use-I can afford to buy my own ticket on a carrier that will treat its employees with respect.
So if the highest fare from say, PHL to LAX is $2,000 RT, that $2,000 is reported as taxable income and, if you're in the 28% tax bracket for example, the cost would be $200 to US PLUS $560 (not even counting your state tax bracket) to IRS, or $760 total for standby travel. That, compared to a WEB fare or whatever, of maybe $300 RT and you get a reserved seat, FF miles, etc. This new policy, if true, is pure, unadulterated, lunacy, and just shows what US thinks of it's employees. :down:
My friend is on INVOL-Furlough and called me last night saying he got the same letter. What a bunch of bull, Your shows what they think of us.
After re-reading the original post, I'm thinking that what gets reported as taxable income is the 10% of the full fare paid, in my example 10% of the $2,000, or $200, not the $2,000 itself. Although one could argue that US is reporting what the "benefit" was worth (haha), i.e. the full fare, $2,000, not what was paid. So which is it? Either way they're screwing the VFs. It's like an ID90 with the added taxable income kicker. If US is not required to report the amount paid/full fare to IRS, then what they're doing is pure mean, meant to discourage VFs from using the bennie promised. It's not like the standby travel costs them much and the VFs were helping out the company. This is how appreciative US management is. My spouse used to work for US and was always hoping for some kind of separation incentive or early retirement option. None was ever offered. Things got cuts, benefit reductions, furloughs. We finally figured there was no hope and resignation was the final decision. (Best decision ever made btw) Now I'm thinking that all of this crap from management is their form of downsizing. Make things miserable enough for employees, cut their pay, cut their benefits, and eventually they'll leave without the company having to pay ANYTHING. Also, convert many stations to express (Mid Atlantic Airways or whatever it's called) and pay your former mainline CS agents $13/hr tops, if they're even offered that. I always found that US treated their employees as liabilities, not assets. This was all occurring as W&G were virtually raping the company and offering p-poor management decisions in return. It's all very sad and I certainly feel for those who are left and have to put up with truly incompetent management and a worsening work environment.
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Buy out the employees, keep medical/flying----

I'll be the FIRST IN LINE>>>>>>>>>>>>U can AFFORD THIS>>

85 hire, turn ME LOOSE OR........................DUMP DAVE'LORENZO-ICAN NOW!!!!!!!!
golden1 said:
Effective 11/01 employees who took a voluntary furlough, will be charged 10%
of the highest fare(per leg) this will also show as taxable income..
He took the VF in June 03.

My friend received the news :down: on thursday..

Go figure..Unbelievable!
I got the letter too. The way I understood it is that they are reporting our flying as income, but not charging us out of pocket for it. Is that correct?

Either way you look at it, it's just another way for US Airways to screw with those who it screwed the most.

Maybe I should come off furlough and go out of my way to make the company lose money everyday? I got "I.F."ed and now US Airways is just going further and further to screw with me. Every day, I seeth with more resentment for the way US Airways has ruined my career and tossed me out on the street. After a year, I'm horribly underemployed, working out of industry and still angry as hell. The only thing that would make me happy would be to get my job back at my current location or to see US Airways go broke and out of business.

Dave, you're a sleezeball. Steve and Rakesh, thanks for your big salaries and bumbling, retarded incompetence - seriously, Corky the mop-boy at McDonald's could do a better job running this outfit. I worked for years to get an aviation job, now US Airways has ruined me and there's no opportunity anywhere. A college education and a diploma that I can use for toilet paper and that's about it.

[Image edited by moderator]
Found this out the other day. Once I've been "involled" for a year they are going to start showing it as "imputed income" the same way they do for domestic partners. We dont pay out of pocket, but have to show it on taxes. This is just wonderful for anyone collecting unemployment while going to school, now they have to show thier non-revving as INCOME!

Travel was the only thing this dumb company really did for me. Thanks alot, Airways, why dont you just come to my house and piss on my doorstep, miserable bunch of jerks. :angry:


We are not required to pay 10% of ANYTHING. Please re-read your letters you got in the mail. I have mine right in front of me. We are only required to pay a 10% tax on the fair market value of any per-leg segment we choose to non-rev on. There is a big difference of paying 10% tax at the end of the year and paying 10% cost up front to fly.
USAirBoyA330 said:
My friend is on INVOL-Furlough and called me last night saying he got the same letter. What a bunch of bull, Your shows what they think of us.
I can see MAYBE an invol...if they had to do it to someone....just MAYBE, but a voluntary furloughee?????
What the hell is that?

Wasn't it in (at least the AFA) restructuring agreement? Isn't this a binding contract? Oh wait, they don't follow them anyway.
N513AU said:
I am not sure what that is a picture of, but if it is of a plane crash that is sick! I lost a cousin the USAir 427 crash and the pic is not amusing. I understand you "point" that Dave is running the airline into the ground, but that is not called for. If that is not that then I am wrong.

Reread the notice. It is for those employees and family members who have been INVOLUNTARILY furloughed. And this takes effect if they have remained on INVOLUNTARY for 1 year with passes that started in October 2003. Why all of a sudden this ccurs now? Who knows?

PS: and the letter sates 10% tax of the lowest non-restricted fare. When it shows up on your 1040, it will be then taxed owed according to your net bracket.

So, in that arena, fire away!
I have not received the letter yet so I was basing my reply on the first letter. Even if it is involuntary furloughees, they are hurting the most and should be hit the least. Dave, please look into this. It is not easy out here for your unemployed workers.
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My bud on the ramp did take a VF when our station went Mainline Express recently.

95% left.

Those who chose the VF received the letter ...

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