Cbs = Censor?

Checking it Out

Apr 3, 2003
In this year's Super Bowl, you'll see ads sponsored by beer companies,
tobacco companies, and the Bush White House. But CBS refuses to air an ad
that questions the Bush administration policies.

To view the ad, click on
the attached link. It's pretty powerful.

Click here to veiw
CIO the self spokesperson for the political position of the TWU and the organization. Are the TWU and Move On speaking for the membership?
CIO the self spokesperson for the political position of the TWU and the organization. Are the TWU and Move On speaking for the membership?

I worked at the TWU sign shop making signs for candidates, mostly Democratic but a few Republicans too.. Quite simply the TWU sends out a questionare to all candidates that consists of labor friendly working class positions on topics.. Most times the Republicans ignore this because they have not historically sided with labor instead they feel more comfortable at the corporate level rather than slumming with the folks they screw over..

Since you opened this political door I'll go a step further by saying Republicans have never done anything for labor and in fact have been our worst enemy.. Don't take my word for it study history starting with 1947 Taft -Hartley and a Republican Congress trying to undo everything FDR had accomplished.. Look at who put up a fight trying to block the creation of the G.I. Bill which educated returning servicemen for a better life while being able to have more disposible income( consumerism) and send their kids to school to make more money ( taxpayers)... A rising tide lifts all boats, this is long term thinking which Republicans could never comprehend as greed is their sole motivation, they only wanted the poor sap G.I.'s to work as unskilled labor in their factories, again ck the record..

And so I support the AMFA, I support free speech, I am a veteran of the United States Navy, I am a registered Democrat, a LIBERAL and a card carring member of the ACLU.... Put that in your intolerant judgemental pipe and smoke it, all AMFA supporters are not Republicans. :shock: :shock:

Jim Anderson Tul 4D
That is exactly right, but they are not all democrats either. That is exactly the point I have been attempting to make. The theory that a union member must vote with the Democrats is exactly the opposite of what happens at Local 514 in TUL. While the Republicans, as you say are not labors friend, the membership votes as they see fit issue for issue rather than straight party ticket.

I see AMFA members as democratic, but not all are Democrats nor are all TWU members Democrats.

By the way I did not open the political door CIO did.
Can't stand any politicians here. Still waiting for a real working class party to emerge in this country, one that won't be influenced by the big money. Until then, I will vote Democratic, not by choice but by being the lesser of two evils. I will vote for John Kerry in the primary and the Presidential election if he is the candidate, only reason needed is that if an ugly guy like that can score a billionare wife, you gotta believe. :up: :up: :up: :up:
Bush cost me my job, my kids and my houses

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak my mind. I lost my job this past year. When Clinton was president I was secure and prosperous, but in the last year, we had to close our operations. We simply could not compete with foreign labor. This foreign labor worked for low pay under very bad conditions.

They worked very long shifts, and many even died on the job.

This competition could hardly be called "fair." I was forced out of the place where I had worked for 34 years.

Not a single government program was there to help me.

How can Bush call himself "compassionate?" Far worse, I lost two of my sons in Bush's evil war in Iraq. They gave their lives for their country, and for what? So that Bush's oil buddies can get rich. My pain of losing my sons is indescribable.

While it is trivial next to the loss of my sons, I regret to say that I also lost my home. I simply have nothing left. How can Bush call himself a Christian when he neglects people like me? I am a senior citizen with various medical problems. I'm not in a position where I can begin a new career. I was reduced to the point where I had to live in a hole in a ground, all because of President Bush.

And when the authorities found me there, did they have any compassion for my misfortune and ailments? No, I was arrested. Mr. Bush, I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a compassionate man! I dare you to look me in the face and tell me you are a Christian. If I had any money left, I would donate it to the Democrat Party.

If Al Gore had been elected in 2000 I would still have a job, a home, and most importantly, my dear sons!

Saddam Hussein
Let's see! PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON signed the NAFTA pact!

Let's go back in time now.

SEN. TED KENNEDY and then CAB chairman ALFRED KAHN authored the Airline Dergulation Act which was signed by PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER in 1978!

CIO, you do remember your history, don't you!

CIO, let me ask you this:

If the AFL-CIO always backs "labor friendly" democrat candidates and constantly accuse the Bush administration and republicans in general of being anti labor, why hasn't the mighty AFL-CIO launched a nationwide job action against all attacks on workers' rights?

Because the AFL-CIO pretty much act the way your hero, Jim Little, does. They set up shop in the pockets of corporations while claiming to be anti corporate greed!

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