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Brightness In and Around US Airways Aircraft


Feb 29, 2004
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I am in the process of producing a video tribute to US Airways' employees and their families which I plan to post here at POR.

I wanted to share a phenomenon which I noticed.

The video will have many photos of US Airways' airplanes, both on the ground and in the air.

After working on assembling the video for a while, I noticed that the airplanes began to fade. Not fade out of view, but just a fading into the background of my perception. And while this was taking place, I began to sense a brightness in each of those places where a crewmember or ground service person would be positioned.

And so it dawned on me that there is a lot of cold and unfeeling metal that is brought to life on a daily basis by people who are wrongly identified by some as "human resources".

You aren't resources. You are people. You are people who, on a daily basis, care for each other and the people who you magically transport across and outside of this country.

Thank you for those times which you've taken care of me.
Don't forget The America West employees. LoL. Without America West there would be no US Airways and AA would still be #3 carrier
Don't forget The America West employees. LoL. Without America West there would be no US Airways and AA would still be #3 carrier

Thats funny.... do any employee checks say America West on them?
Justme bad idea your only going to rip the scabs off the wounds. AMR Group should shelf ALL the past Airlines and focus on the current WOKERS of AMERICAN . Let those that can't move on reminisce on FB Group.
Don't forget The America West employees. LoL. Without America West there would be no US Airways and AA would still be #3 carrier

It must really suck being you....
LD3 spoken by a typical true American Worst Airline Plantation Slave. I rest my case Justme. FB is calling LD3.
America West is dead and the US name and brand is heading briskly towards oblivion. Both are for the best in my opinion.