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B6 pilot removed from plane, taken for psych evaluation


Jan 5, 2003
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Rumours that he told his girlfriend that he would crash the plane if she wouldn't reconcile with him are "vicious rumor and speculation" according to JetBlue.

A JetBlue pilot was placed in protective custody yesterday at Logan International Airport and brought to a city hospital after he told a woman he might harm himself, a law enforcement official said.

The official, who asked not to be identified, said authorities approached the pilot in a waiting area after he sent some type of “electronic communication’’ to the woman. The official could not say if the pilot was about to board or fly a plane. The incident occurred at midafternoon, the official said.

A JetBlue spokesman dismissed news reports that the pilot had threatened to crash the plane as “vicious rumor and speculation.’’

“A JetBlue pilot was removed from duty today in Boston for health-related reasons,’’ the airline said in a statement. “At no point were any customers or aircraft in danger.

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