I believe B6''s next new city will be either BOS or MHT. I always thought they would select BOS, but MHT has 4 available gates and a new 9,500 ft runway coming online. Not sure, but I still lean towards BOS. I would love to see them in PVD, but I know that is not going to happen. The last 4 gate expansion was quickly eaten up (3 WN, 1 DL). Also the runway is not long enough.
On 5/30/2003 4:00:36 PM desertfox wrote:
On 5/29/2003 6:18:36 PM AA763 wrote:
Rumor going on over at airliners that B6 is looking into starting JFK-STL in July. AA currently services the route with 2x a day MD-80.
Rumor is that STL-FLL and STL-JFK will be served.
I think weatherman is right .. BOS (or most likely MHT) will be the next B6 city, not STL (theres a whole topic on it actually) but then again who knows. David Neeleman was quoted once as saying we''ll "never" enter the SAN market and one month later we anounced JFK-SAN 2x/day. B6 tends to be very secretive about new destinations so we''ll have to wait and see!