Ata To Introduce Business Class

Cart Pusher

Aug 20, 2002
In particular, I like the part where they brag about not letting their employees sit in the Business Class cabin. I'm sure it really makes their employees feel valued. Way to build morale. At fares such as theirs, I'm sure their Business Class will always be full anyway. None the less, it really doesn't sound very employee friendly to make a point of telling your customers that you don't consider your employees worthy of sitting in your Business Class amongst all that "exclusivity".
Well... I've heard lots of Elite level Frequent Flyers complain about obnoxious employees in FC or BizClass cabins. Perhaps this aimed at earning their business. Part of the upgrade is supposed to be the peace and quiet of a restricted area (i.e. no babies crying, etc). An obnoxious employee, who can presumably control themself is worse than a crying baby in my book. While I have not personally experienced this, I can imagine the kinds of things which might occur.

I agree with you though, instead of implementing codes of conduct for employees in the Biz Class, they opted not to allow it, essentially saying that all their employees are prone to being obnoxious. I guess employees of other airlines ruined the party for ATA folks.
I think that is a bit harsh! An employee should be able to sit in the B/C seat if all passengers who wanted to upgrade did and there are still seats left over. If an employee misbehaves, no more B/C for him/her. If you tell an employee they have the benefit untill they screw-up, they will probably behave. I am not sure why TZ management would feel the need to tell everyone about this policy. :down:
Sorry to the TZ employees.
You are good enough to work and represent the company, you just can't fly up front.
Um So lets examine this from another perspective. All the b/c and f/c pax's that are travelling on company business..i.e.- GE,IBM,Fed Gov't,Exxon..etc should have to turn in their "perks"- frequent flier miles BACK tothe company to be credited for other employees travelling. There "perks" freq flier miles are not there property. They are the property of there company. Why tell me are airline people exempt from hasve such PERKS...??? Why are we the bastard step children of the business world? We are not entitled to ANYTHING but a friggin paycheck....why, so all the white trash in the US can fly at rock bottom fares. Its time for the airline workers of the world to rebel. We should NOT have to give up everything to work for an airline, while those sitting in the seats are flying in cheap seats, rackin up mileage and upgrading, and the have the NERVE to #### about LOWLY airline people sitting in f/c or b/c. WE TOO are entitled to more than just a payceck, and upgrading is a perk!! Grow UP Frequent Travellers-U Dont own the airline or the workers OR the right to dicate our compensation or perks!!!
How many of you are ATA Employees? I'm guessing one to possibly none. The employees aren't upset with the decission to not let us sit up in Business class. Not even the CEO can sit in business class. Don't go and rag on a company's decision with out consulting an actual employee :angry: . If this is going to increase our revenue and get more flyers then i'm all for it. We truely are an Honestly Different Airline! Good decision by the ATA Management!!

Your opinion is arrogant. First of all I would like to remind you of the perks the airline employees have. They can usually travel for much less than the Passengers that fill up the aircrafts. So are you willing to share your perks too! And don’t forget, you don’t own the airline neither. The Passengers that pays for the trip guarantees your paycheck. If you start to pay full price for your ticket than I can see why you complain.

ATA Ramper

You are correct. Who is complaining here, ATA employees or the employees of other airlines? Lets ask ATA employees how they feel.

NAPALUS & Cart Pusher

Yes, the way in which it was announced was not the most diplomatic one but it does not reflect that the employees are misbehaved or not valued

I look at it as a business decision that makes sense. Ask any of the legacy carriers how many complaints they receive that passengers could not upgrade, because a company employee was in First. The answer might surprise you. Many!

And after United made a decision not to offer First Class service to Las Vegas any more, ATA will logically try to gulp up hose passengers.
funguy2 said:
Well... I've heard lots of Elite level Frequent Flyers complain about obnoxious employees in FC or BizClass cabins. Perhaps this aimed at earning their business. Part of the upgrade is supposed to be the peace and quiet of a restricted area (i.e. no babies crying, etc). An obnoxious employee, who can presumably control themself is worse than a crying baby in my book. While I have not personally experienced this, I can imagine the kinds of things which might occur.

I agree with you though, instead of implementing codes of conduct for employees in the Biz Class, they opted not to allow it, essentially saying that all their employees are prone to being obnoxious. I guess employees of other airlines ruined the party for ATA folks.
Yeah. Passengers are NEVER obnoxious - like the UA business-class passenger/executive who defecated on a galley cart. Let's focus on banishing employees - the ones who, in order to travel up front anyway - have to conform to a dress code. That's how you can usually tell an employee up front - the ones that are dressed nice, as opposed to the "real" passengers in their PJs and flip-flops, clipping their toenails.

Irony is not dead!
Just Plane Crazy said:
I look at it as a business decision that makes sense. Ask any of the legacy carriers how many complaints they receive that passengers could not upgrade, because a company employee was in First. The answer might surprise you. Many!

Passengers like to make that accusation whenever they aren't granted an upgrade. But employees tvling on their own time/for pleasure get on after the luggage, trust me.

Some airlines may allow deadheaders - who must be on the flight for operational reasons because without them, the first class passengers covet won't leave the gate - to sit up front. In those cases, your gripe is legitimate, as there's no reason a deadheader can't travel in coach.

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