
Apr 17, 2003
What a miserable operation ASA has become. They used to be halfway decent. Now they have a bunch of EDITED BY MODERATOR that can't get bags to the right destination working for them.
What a miserable operation ASA has become. They used to be halfway decent. Now they have a bunch of EDITED BY MODERATOR that can't get bags to the right destination working for them.

They used to be decent? I used to work at Delta airlines and I heard what a crappy outfit it is more than 7 years ago, long before I even came to work here. But desparate times call for desparate measures. The current management makes this job one of the worst jobs I've ever had. It's marked by insanity and displayed on almost a daily basis. These people are so fed up and scared that I can't even get anyone to help form a committee to try and get a union in. Almost every single person says they wanted one but feared for their job for getting involved. Perhaps they learned this from the guy a couple years ago that actually did get fired for union organizing.
There was a newspaper article a while back in the atlant journal about what a miserabley operated airline this was and needed Skywest to hose out the GO from top to bottom. What are you waiting for Skywest? This place needs your help and we don't see anything getting better. Just worse. The manager of maintenance, Jerry King, is a drunk and completely insane. You have a new level of middle management created by Jerry for what? He Micromanages everything anyway, and daily mechanics are called into his office to explain about things that happened or didn't happen the night before. Anyway, what a great place to work. I love my job, really.
But actually the general public and Skywest might be surprised at the low Morale here. Not just maintenance, but ramp and baggage people too. Wonder why your bag is wet when you get it , maybe, in a couple days after you land? Cause I'm sure you don't get it at the end of your flight. It's cause they left it sitting on the ramp in a pool of standing water for a ahlf hour or so. We look at these bags everywhere and wonder where are all the people that own these bags. I'll tell you where they are. In the Delta bagage office, thats where.

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