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Article: (us) Crew Air Rage

I think we discussed this one to death a few months ago. If it's true (and seeing as no further action aside from a sensational news article have happened, I'm not too sure), then this F/A should not be flying. The original post also had the flight attendant sitting in a jumpseat the entire flight as well, allowing the other two F/As to work the FC cabin as well as Coach. Doesnt sound like anything that would be tolerated by any U crew to me.

By the way, are we supposed to think this person must be really nice because they are a "Bible Teacher"? Give me a break. 🙄 It doesnt matter if the passenger was the Easter Bunny, if he was mistreated, he was mistreated. Throwing in the fact that he happened to be religious is pointless.

P.S. Doesnt it say that the F/A poked the passenger? The thread title is rather misleading. I must admit that I clicked on "F/A nails Bible Teacher" expecting something else.... :lol: :shock: :lol:
Light Years Posted on Jan 17 2004, 07:35 PM
P.S. Doesnt it say that the F/A poked the passenger? The thread title is rather misleading. I must admit that I clicked on "F/A nails Bible Teacher" expecting something else....

OMG!!!! You baaaaaad girl! :lol:
There is quite a discussion about this over on flyertalk where one of the regulars was actually on the plane and witnessed the incident. He posted it before the newspaper article came out.
This is the story from the witnessing passenger:

Mrs. TPA us ff and I were on the last leg of our last flight home this weekend after a great time in New Orleans. Up to this point, all of the FA’s were in great spirits cracking jokes about everything from the snack basket to "Uncle Dave."
When we boarded our final segment, we both noticed the FC FA who seemed to be glaring at every PAX who boarded. No smile, no greeting, just a weird glare. Well, if this guy disliked his job, he certainly didn’t try to hide it. One drink service and a pass of the snack basket and it was off to the jump seat for him for an involved consult with USA Today for the rest of the flight. I really felt sorry for the coach FA who was responding to FC drink requests and cleanup duties for both cabins.

At any rate, we descend through 10,000 and the announcement is made regarding seatbacks, tray tables, etc. A man in his 60's in a suit coat who was across the isle from me (he had been asleep the entire flight) obviously didn’t hear the request. His seat seemed to be minimally reclined about one to two inches. At this point, the FA came up to the man and started jabbing his finger at the man’s neck and back! The guy wakes up and says "stop poking me." The FA says "I told you three times to put your seat up . . . when you’re on MY airplane you do what I tell you to do. The man very calmly replied "I just don’t won’t you to keep poking me." Thereupon, the FA says that since the man wouldn’t follow orders (the PAX had indeed fully raised his seatback) he was reporting him to the captain and would have him removed by security for interfering with a flight crew. I thought that the FA was just being a snitty jerk until he picked up the intercom and told the captain that he has a problem with a "disruptive passenger" and he needed help from law enforcement when we landed. If anyone was disruptive, it seemed to be the FA by his assault and aggressive poking of the passenger.

And sure enough, on arrival at the gate we were held until an armed security contingent escorted this poor guy off the plane!

In my nearly 2 million lifetime miles on US, I never saw anything like this. I’ve seen FA’s be consummate diplomats with unruly or boozed up PAX or simply straight forward like: “Listen to me or I’ll call the captain.†But never anything as unprovoked as this. Frankly, I would find this hard to believe other than that I was 3 feet from the events!

All of this leads me to wonder what standards apply in these types of cases? Apparently a single FA’s word is gospel – woe be to the passenger who may look cross-eyed at the FA.
If I had been that passenger, I would have filed assault charges against him. I can only hope the f/a has been sent to charm school for about a month-unpaid of course. Perfect example of someone who needs to find other employment. This is a shame and totally uncalled for.
The correct move is to sue the Captain, and/or try to have the local DA file charges against the cockpit crew for initiating a false police report (or possibly the dispatcher, or whomever actually called the cops and insinuated that this guy was a problem).

The Captain should have investigated the situation upon landing before calling the cops. Blindly backing the crew member in question was a type large error in judgement by the guys in the pointy end (in this case).
Problem with that is this: They had already began descent. Obviously the cockpit crew is extremely busy and unable to come back nowadays anyway to "check things out". The cockpit MUST rely on what they are told by their crew members. The person who should be arrested is the flight attendant.
Light Years said:
P.S. Doesnt it say that the F/A poked the passenger? The thread title is rather misleading. I must admit that I clicked on "F/A nails Bible Teacher" expecting something else.... :lol: :shock: :lol:
Our minds must run thru the same gutter! :lol:
Didnt we talk about this a few months ago. A crew member was a witness to the situation and she was undecided on wheither to report the flight attendant or not. WoW! She made the paper. Way to go! We shouldnt touch the passengers but the passengers also need to know that we dont like to be touch either. And when a flight attendant makes an announecment for all seats to be in the up right position, then you as the passenger needs to do as you told and this wont happen. We dont do this to be mean, its the law, the rule.
So????it is ok for Pax's to poke....but not a F/A???There in lies the question....to poke or not to poke that is the question...whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of out righteous fortune and to oppose them by ending them..to sleep, to sleep not more....per chance to dream...OH...forgot this usaviation....not Shakespeare. Sorry!!!! 🙄
PineyBob said:
I don't know who to believe

You “don’t know who (m) to believe.â€￾

But there’s been no contrary view . . . do you disagree with the PAX, his fellow passengers, the reporter, the airport police, who’s the first person you don’t believe?

The St. Petersburg Times?

You purport to have the inside track with US executives, so what’s their (your) view?

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