Art Pappas retiring


Jul 23, 2003
eolesen said:
I'd guess that about 35% of pm-AA worked for him at some point or another.
I remember having to contradict Art once in front of Crandall... Art was briefing him on AA 965, and gave some seriously incorrect information.  I was sitting about three feet away, and corrected him... The looks that got exchanged were priceless.
Aren't you the badass.
Art was a good guy...While walking DFW and saying his goodbye's, he told us he had a talk with Parker over at the HKG kick off and Parker asked him if he had anybody in mind to replace him and Art told him he thought Bob Ciminelli should be considered, but Ciminelli turned it down. Pappas told Parker it needs to be somebody from the AA side running DFW.
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I can't think of anyone obvious to put there from AA other than Franco... Marilyn is happy in MIA and planned to retire there, plus she already ran DFW before Art did... Tim Ahern is about the same age as art and Marilyn...

Jeff Plant has worked there enough to be considered, but he's at LAX and I'd think that would still be a cool assignment for the next few years.... Mike McKanna also knows the place inside out, but like with Jeff, that would be a huge jump.

Maybe Bob Glaser is ready to come back, if he didn't already retire?...
Art is one of the few managers left that actually get how an airline works. I completely agree with the fact that it should be an AA guy, preferrebly someoene who has been at AA a while. DFW is like no other place, and if they bring some new sheriff it will surely go to hell there. 
I can't think of anyone obvious to put there from AA other than Franco... Marilyn is happy in MIA and planned to retire there, plus she already ran DFW before Art did... Tim Ahern is about the same age as art and Marilyn...

Jeff Plant has worked there enough to be considered, but he's at LAX and I'd think that would still be a cool assignment for the next few years.... Mike McKanna also knows the place inside out, but like with Jeff, that would be a huge jump.

Maybe Bob Glaser is ready to come back, if he didn't already retire?...
I believe Bob has already retired.
eolesen said:
I can't think of anyone obvious to put there from AA other than Franco... Marilyn is happy in MIA and planned to retire there, plus she already ran DFW before Art did... Tim Ahern is about the same age as art and Marilyn...

Jeff Plant has worked there enough to be considered, but he's at LAX and I'd think that would still be a cool assignment for the next few years.... Mike McKanna also knows the place inside out, but like with Jeff, that would be a huge jump.

Maybe Bob Glaser is ready to come back, if he didn't already retire?...
I'll throw out a name for you. Kelly Moore "The Kid" It would be a leap for him also but he's extremely popular and well liked in DFW and he's smart as a whip. I think he's been around long enough that he could be up to the job?

Who's Franco?
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Franco is the VP up in Chicago.
I'm sure Art has his reasons for wanting an AA person to come in, but getting an outsider to run DFW might not be the worst thing.  Of all the hubs, it's probably got the largest concentration of management who have spent their entire career there and never stepped foot outside of it, thus don't know any other way than the entrenched ways they've done business since the early 1980's...
They'll get some bum from US and that will be that. Reinvent the wheel. They're doing it in maintenance and they'll do it there on the marketing side too. C'mon man, hasn't decades of watching this crap play out taught any of you anything?  You guys and your wishful thinking. Geez..
eolesen said:
Franco is the VP up in Chicago.
I'm sure Art has his reasons for wanting an AA person to come in, but getting an outsider to run DFW might not be the worst thing.  Of all the hubs, it's probably got the largest concentration of management who have spent their entire career there and never stepped foot outside of it, thus don't know any other way than the entrenched ways they've done business since the early 1980's...
Ah OK. I was thinking for a moment that you were talking about or ramp manager here in MIA, Marixa Franco.

Well it looks like my horse wasn't in the running.
DallasConehead said:
They'll get some bum from US and that will be that. Reinvent the wheel. They're doing it in maintenance and they'll do it there on the marketing side too. C'mon man, hasn't decades of watching this crap play out taught any of you anything?  You guys and your wishful thinking. Geez..
Guess you were wrong:
"Jeff is the right person to take on the role of leading our Dallas/Fort Worth hub," said Kerry Philipovitch, senior vice president – Customer Experience. "During his tenure at American, Jeff has excelled in every leadership position he has had, including directing passenger service at DFW. He does a great job of balancing the complex operations of running an airport, while taking care of the needs of our employees and customers. Jeff is ready to take on the challenge of keeping our Dallas/Fort Worth hub running smoothly."
Until his heart attack in December, McKanna was supposedly getting GM at JFK,Beth Norton was getting GM at LGA and Ralph Lopez was going to MIA in some capacity.

That all changed,now Lopez is supposedly GM of the LGA operation of both carriers with Loretta Bove.
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Guess I guessed somewhat right. Now, who gets to manage LAX thru its growth?...