April 14, 2003


Jun 28, 2003
I would like to hear from all three unions on this question. Its April 14, 2003...Pretend you hadn't voted yet on the RPA, and you could see into the future. How would you vote knowing all that you now know?
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

My answer NOW, was the same it was THEN.

"N F W"

first word NO

third word WAY

I think as time goes by you will have trouble finding anyone who will admit to voting Yes.

Whats done is done. Time to start working on the next votes, the recall votes for the APA and the APFA and the representation votes for the Dispatchers (PAFCA), Mechanics (AMFA), Fleet Service and other ground workers (AGW). In a years time all the workers at AA could be in non-affiliated unions. UAL mechanics are already AMFA. USAIR workers are signing cards for AMFA and the AGW. We all must clean house as much as possible. Any leader who said YES must go, no excuses, we need leaders, not excuses.

Even though the AGW is brand new with no resources the fact that Fleet Service workers are spread out more evenly between high cost areas and low cost areas, unlike the mechanics who are concentrated in low cost areas, means that a swift change over to the AGW is very likely. They could come from nowhere and be out of the TWU before the mechanics!

If this movement spreads to UAL you could find most Fleet Service workers in one union, the way it should be, the way the IAM,TWU and IBT should have done it. Then you too could petition to join the AFL-CIO.

Maybe then mechanics and Fleet Service can work together without being forced upon one another. Old wounds would finally heal. Each group could pursue its own interests and work together to reinforce each other. Instead of being told what to do by people who never even worked in this industry our top union guys would be one of us, and who better to represent and fight for us than one of us?

Maybe true unionism, and true solidarity can blossom from the ruins of todays business unions. Once established, airline unions, true airline unions, both affiliated and not should form an association so that we can finally have the power to ensure that nothing like we have just gone though ever happens again.
I voted no the first time and that's what the majority voted for the AA/APFA T.A. back in April. This time I would vote...

Bob Owens said:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

My answer NOW, was the same it was THEN.

"N F W"

first word NO

third word WAY

I think as time goes by you will have trouble finding anyone who will admit to voting Yes.

Whats done is done. Time to start working on the next votes, the recall votes for the APA and the APFA and the representation votes for the Dispatchers (PAFCA), Mechanics (AMFA), Fleet Service and other ground workers (AGW). In a years time all the workers at AA could be in non-affiliated unions. UAL mechanics are already AMFA. USAIR workers are signing cards for AMFA and the AGW. We all must clean house as much as possible. Any leader who said YES must go, no excuses, we need leaders, not excuses.

Even though the AGW is brand new with no resources the fact that Fleet Service workers are spread out more evenly between high cost areas and low cost areas, unlike the mechanics who are concentrated in low cost areas, means that a swift change over to the AGW is very likely. They could come from nowhere and be out of the TWU before the mechanics!

If this movement spreads to UAL you could find most Fleet Service workers in one union, the way it should be, the way the IAM,TWU and IBT should have done it. Then you too could petition to join the AFL-CIO.

Maybe then mechanics and Fleet Service can work together without being forced upon one another. Old wounds would finally heal. Each group could pursue its own interests and work together to reinforce each other. Instead of being told what to do by people who never even worked in this industry our top union guys would be one of us, and who better to represent and fight for us than one of us?

Maybe true unionism, and true solidarity can blossom from the ruins of todays business unions. Once established, airline unions, true airline unions, both affiliated and not should form an association so that we can finally have the power to ensure that nothing like we have just gone though ever happens again.
Bob Owens;
Great post !!

If your an "aged" union person, like myself, the problem for us is it might be that we'll be retired before your vision comes to fruition.

Then again, being retired from this SHI* HOLE, does'nt seem like a bad thought.

I love it!! Everybodys full of BIG TALK!!! You guys would also be squealing the loudest if it was voted down and our contract DISMISSED like a bad debt! It would almost be worth it to watch the faces of these big talkers when the company started laying people off not in seniority order but by attendance or productivity!
AAMECH lets shut the doors I dont care. Im not stupid i can go back to school and get retained I planned on doing that when I voted no, if your to old or scared not my problem. I got my A+P to make money and a good life for my family if cowards like you want me doing this for burger king wages then you deserve this union . So when AMFA gets here i suggest you quit because the rest of us plan on fighting, you scared little puss
I feel now as I felt then. To accept the level of cuts that we took was totally out of hand. The company put a gun to their own heads and said if you don't I will shoot! The give backs are far from over, pandoras box has been opened and they will come back for more with in a short period of time.

There is the 20 Bil in dept out there that still has to paid down, the pension fund is woefully under performing because of bad estimations on returns. We are only making marginal profits.

This ride has just started and its not going to be a fun one.

I voted no then and would vote no now. :ph34r:
AAmech said:
I love it!! Everybodys full of BIG TALK!!! You guys would also be squealing the loudest if it was voted down and our contract DISMISSED like a bad debt! It would almost be worth it to watch the faces of these big talkers when the company started laying people off not in seniority order but by attendance or productivity!
I'm not EXACTLY sure WHO your refering to when you state, "EVERYBODYS FULL OF BIG "TALK", but one thing you can bet your BALLS on, I was one of the first "ramp rats" that advocated that we "MEET EM' on the court house steps"

Remember now ??????????/


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