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Aug 20, 2002
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Continental, Delta and Northwest Receive Final U.S. Regulatory Approval For Alliance

HOUSTON and ATLANTA and MINNEAPOLIS, March 31 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Continental Airlines (NYSE:CAL), Delta Air Lines (NYSE😀AL) and Northwest Airlines (Nasdaq:NWAC) today issued the following statement in response to the United States Department of Transportation''s favorable review of the proposed alliance:

With the DOT''s approval, the alliance will bring consumers lower fares, increased service levels and broader choices of destinations. A similar marketing agreement between Continental and Northwest has led to as much as $1.5 billion in annual benefits to consumers. While Continental, Delta and Northwest will continue to operate independently and compete vigorously with each other for customers, the alliance will enable each carrier to access a greater number of customers and, in this weak economic environment, will preserve service to small communities and those communities'' access to broad route networks.

SOURCE Continental Airlines; Delta Air Lines; Northwest Airlines

CO: Continental Airlines; Delta Air Lines; Northwest Airlines; United States Department of Transportation

ST: Texas, Georgia, Minnesota



03/31/2003 20:20 EST
Does the new alliance get to market itself jointly to corporate accounts? That would be a big win for the alliance and a loss for the corporate travelers.
On 4/1/2003 11:13:35 AM usfliboi wrote:

congrats.....any idea when bk will come?


Didn''t you just come out of bk on the 1st? This alliance should drain more traffic from U so your guess when you get back to bk is as good as anyones.
On 4/2/2003 12:59:28 PM Bizman wrote:


On 4/1/2003 11:13:35 AM usfliboi wrote:

congrats.....any idea when bk will come?


Didn''t you just come out of bk on the 1st? This alliance should drain more traffic from U so your guess when you get back to bk is as good as anyones.

Well, if ANYBODY knows what its like to go BACK into bankruptcy, it''s Continental. My grandma, what bad memory we have.

Someone, anyone...can a company file Chapter 11 a third time?
If not, guess who''s going to get screwed if the economy doesn''t turn?
On 4/6/2003 7:32:21 PM firstamendment wrote:

Someone, anyone...can a company file Chapter 11 a third time?
If not, guess who''s going to get screwed if the economy doesn''t turn?

There is a three strike your out policy. Lucky for CAL, anything prior to the start of the new law doesn''t count.

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