Apfa Election....


Oct 6, 2002
Can anyone on here give me some insight on who to cast my vote for in this upcoming election? The one person I for sure am NOT voting for is JW. He is nothing but a back stabber and money grabber. Being furloughed, yet soo close to being recalled, I want a candidate who is for the flight attendants, and not out for themself or "in bed" with AA. Any insight on the various platforms would be extremely beneficial since those of us awaiting out recalls have not been privy to any information? <_<
Hope this helps.

Subject: A Queer Eye Looking for a "Strait" APFA Election by Trice Johnson

Fellow Flight Attendants,
This is going to be very long. Grab a pot of coffee or a martini, and turn on your printer and be ready to forward this information widely among your friends and coworkers.....it is very important and very necessary for you to read at your own pace. Make copies and encourage others to do the same.......

Many of you may know my name from previous email writings and APFA Negotiations 2000/2001 as I was Eastern Division Strike Coordinator. The APFA elections for our National Officers will occur the end of January and all the way until March should there be a run off. It is very important that you understand certain critical matters relative to the candidates and their positions before making your decisions. This is especially important as the TWA F/A's who are on furlough and have voting rights could conceivably "tip" the election in their "favor" if people either do not vote or vote uninformed. They were able to do this during the Restructuring Agreement fiasco in April as their vote ALONE was powerful enough to tip the scales towards the original NO vote before the vote extension and vote/revote/no revote fiasco that further ensued. I am taking the time to spotlight and darken the candidates and their positions. I do feel that I am qualified to speak to the leading contenders strengths and weaknesses as I was a frequent and regular F/A "hostess/server" at APFA headquarters in Texas between May 2000 and September 2001. My function was similiar to Patrick Burrell, who was Princess Diana's butler and recently wrote a book A ROYAL DUTY in which he revealed secrets of Buckingham Palace. I was a similar "servant" to King John (Ward) and his royal court (Hutto-Blake and others) at APFA's palace. I worked with Presidential candidates John Ward and Tommie Hutto-Blake frequently during negotiations. I also have recently met Steven Ellis, an independent candidate running for President. I feel that I can make some important observations that you may find useful. I will pepper my remarks with some sarcasm and humor along the way to take the edge off a bit and keep us a bit entertained as the subject matter is so dry, political, and heavy at times. As Olympia Dukakis' character in the film STEEL MAGNOLIAS says "If you don't have anything nice to say, then come sit by me!"

First order of business if you write or meet a candidate is to THANK THEM for wanting to represent you. No one in their right mind would want to do this. The responsibilities, pressures, and even personal and financial sacrifices are too great at times. If John Ward could buy "thick skin" at a post holiday Bloomingdale sale, he'd be the first in line. The MOST important thing to look at when evaluating a candidate is to look at their policy record. Do NOT be swayed entirely by how "nice" they appear, their websites, their "friends" and references, and other matters of "junk politics" which make glib references to unity or vision. ALL political candidates are FOR unity, vision, leadership, and accountability. But their policy records state publicly how they actually demonstrated such. The four most important recent policy areas to consider for this election are the candidates positions on Tentative Agreement I rejected 9/17/99 (the profit sharing "give back" under Hedges); Tentative Agreement II ratified 9/12/01 (what we just gave up); the TWA seniority integration problem; and the Restructuring Package "Agreement" under threat of bankruptcy (the April fiasco). Other leadership characteristics are important but policy should be your most important priority in evaluating candidates. Now, let's "hold court" on the candidates.

John Ward-- Defense: One of the most intelligent Presidents we have had in years. Very skilled in dealing with the press and has a very keen "straight" eye for understanding F/A's interests and motivations. He is very Clintonesque in style: intellectually gifted; cleverly leaves out personal blunders that don't flatter him well; has a strong record of clear F/A advocacy at the base and national level; knows how to say the right thing at the right time in a public forum. Has displayed strong leadership in the past as he literally helped rebuild a union leadership and negotiating team after Hedges left things in a mess. Issues: voted against Tentative Agreement I (TA I) under Hedges; ; as lead negotiator for APFA secured the best F/A contract in probably 20 years plus with Tentative Agreement II (T/A II) ; strong supporter of TWA "stapling" Seniority Integration Agreement; held out as long as possible on givebacks to AA during the Restructuring Package Agreement (RPA) process while avoiding AA's bankruptcy threats that could have resulted in more loss of F/A jobs and benefits. Regarding the RPA fiasco in April, are you sure you would have done differently than Ward knowing that the MAJORITY of "native" AA F/A's had CLEARLY voted to keep AA out of bankruptcy by voting FOR the Restructuring agreement? Again, the TWA vote is what tipped the vote so narrowly NO; it was NOT the AA F/A's. Furthermore, if you think Ward is a complete idiot you need to question the APFA Board of Directors who is supposed to actually govern the union. The APFA BOD chose to not question much along the way so Ward can not be entirely to blame here. Ward is also not afraid to stand up to the other AA union leaders who were frustrated with him and eager for APFA to jump on board the union "concession wagon" to avoid bankruptcy. Many within APFA might say that Ward is a bullying sonuvabitch, but his recent voting record suggests that at least he's OUR (the F/A's) sonuvabitch.

John Ward--the Prosecution: If Ward can be compared to Clinton, then one can say effectively that the Restructuring Package Agreement (RPA) is the Monica Lewinsky "stained" blue dress and this time Ward is WEARING it. This dress is not flattering at all and needs a Queer Eye for a Straight Guy to give him some serious fashion tips! Ward initiated a Board of Director (BOD) resolution on 4/15/03 that under Carty's early morning "suggestion" extended the vote 24 hours. Under King Ward's leadership, the APFA BOD, who by majority had sought to avoid Bankruptcy at ALL costs jumped on this bandwagon as well. This was singlehandedly the most foolish and dangerous usurption of democratic due process I have ever seen especially knowing full well that the other unions and our own initial ballot results would be released as the extension took place. I may have expected such a charade of democracy from the Teamsters but not from such a democratic institution like APFA. This initiation by Ward alone could cost him his presidency and place in history just as Clinton was "impeached" over the Lewinsky scandal and Hedges ran out the door with her failed T/A I stuffed in her panties. It is clear to me that Carty had been "informed" EARLY of our vote results and was desperate to get a YES vote knowing that the Executive Bonuses would be made public very soon. Do not underestimate AA's means to find out such information illegally. For the APFA BOD and Ward to not question the intention of this late decision by Carty to allow a last minute vote extension is an act of cowardice and incompetence I believe. Obviously, Ward and the APFA BOD had been indirectly advocating FOR the RPA stating repeatedly that bankruptcy would be worse. Ward essentially deflected responsibility away from himself as has the APFA BOD by sitting in the corner like Little Jack Horner in an effort to cover his and the BOD's tracks faster than Wal Mart shoppers stampeding over each other to get to the front of the line for $29.97 DVD players the day after Thanksgiving. Like trapeze artists, they tried to catch each other while doing a dangerous job, but at the end of the day the magic was gone. Ward also should be prosecuted for making a resolution back in Feb. that demanded that any relief provided to the company not be provided "without first obtaining approval of the APFA membership" and then turning around and doing the opposite WITHOUT membership final approval. So much for union Board resolutions I suppose. He did hit a home run on 4/22 when he made a BOD resolution that authorized a revote of the membership after the Executive Bonus plans were announced. However, he again struck out on 4/25 when he made another resolution to withdraw the revote after he conveniently wheeled and dealed with the company and was able to water down the duration of the agreement as well as create some other " artificial sweeteners" ie. underfly "trade in", Carty's resignation letter. You can be your own Judge Judy on these matters. Ward also is not being forthright about all matters relevant to the TWA litigation. This is a politically expedient attempt to deflect attention away from possible negative judge rulings. We have had no recent serious education and/or explanation of possible scenarios that could play out regarding legal precedent and judges interpretations of seniority mergers with airlines. What are the possibilities that the judge may rule in our favor or disfavor based on legal precedent and the agreements reached between the parties as part of the TWA merger and acquisition? The judge is interested in legal precedent and agreements reached between the parties prior to the airline merger/acquisition. This is where Ward is the master politician always deflecting attention away from possible unflattering scenarios. He needs to answer these questions and you need to push him to do so on his website Q&A.

Ward--Leadership Style: He probably ran his negotiating "table team" by consensus, but he essentially has a reputation for running the rest of the union by dictate. You are either for or against him, and he draws the lines accordingly. Sometimes this is good and sometimes this is not. APFA is not a corporation. APFA is a democracy and has almost entirely TOO many checks and balances at times. There are lots of people wanting to be chiefs, and many people wanting to question everything internally all of the time. Therefore, sometimes you do need control freaks in the world like Ward or nothing would get done. But this dark side of King Ward, his tendency to be stubborn and a bully, has isolated many people who are intellectually and politically his equal or a perceived threat to his reign. I can think of at least seven very competent people (including Hutto-Blake) internally who he has isolated himself from due to various differences of opinion. Again, you are either with him or against him. He is not warm and fuzzy. If you've ever disagreed with him, don't expect a "thank you card" for your efforts once you have completed your APFA stint. Although he is much like Bill Clinton, he is different in one key aspect. Clinton would always try to win you over with a smoothe, flattering touch that could be embracing while even phony. Ward's approach is: This is the plan, climb on board or basically jump ship because we've got work to do and I need your absolute loyalty to get it done. I will listen to you possibly, but then that's it. Again, sometimes this is useful to avoid all of the APFA chiefs and at other times it is not. He also has a tendency to ignore deadlines which is disrespectful internally. If he wins the election, he will need to work on his internal diplomacy skills if he wants people to work "for him."

Tommie Hutto-Blake--the Defense: If there is one thing you can say about Tommie Hutto-Blake (THB) it is that she is not afraid to "walk the talk" at APFA. She has been involved with APFA since the beginning of time more or less. The next time you hear someone complaining or advising, criticizing or second guessing, think about what you're hearing. It is the sound of ineffectiveness. THB is not afraid to "walk the talk" and attempt to facilitate effectiveness. Too often, talking about taking action becomes a substitute for actually taking that action. Talking is easy and doesn't carry much downside risk, but it also doesn't offer much upside potential. When all you're doing is talking, you can quickly and easily change from one approach to another and back again. Action, on the other hand, takes time and commitment. Yet, it is action, not mere talk, that brings real and valuable results. This time and commitment is THB's greatest contribution whether you agree with her or not on the issues. In defense of her on the issues: she took a very active part in trying to achieve a negotiated contract in T/A II under Ward after T/A I, that she supported, failed miserably. She also is correct in demanding more accountability from Ward regarding education of the membership and possible scenarios that could take place on the TWA seniority integration lawsuit.

Tommie Hutto-Blake--the Prosecution: There is one word to describe her on the issues: Conciliatory. Some would argue that it is concessionary. This is not entirely true. THB is a reconciler, an accomodator, a compromisor. Issues: she voted FOR T/A I under Hedges; she also favors further "dialogue" with the TWA F/A's. Her website statements about such have included: "we could sit down at the table and talk, perhaps coming to resolution between the unions---perhaps not. But APFA's leadership never tried that route." Furthermore, she states that the APFA took a "cold hearted approach taken by the majority of our BOD....not even to try to reach a mutual resolution." She needs to clarify what she means by dialogue. Hasn't this already been decided by the APFA BOD? What is there to talk about? Isn't dialogue a little late now? The F/A's and BOD have made its wishes ("stapling") known loud and clear whether you agree with them or not. She is also dodging the issue by writing that "what should have been done in finding a resolution in 2001 is only a historical debate". This is a completely ridiculous statement by her and a "junk politics" attempt to avoid controversy and gloss over serious issues. She needs to just come clean and mean what she says and say what she means. I know for a fact from conversations with her that she thinks that the APFA took a traditionally "anti-union" stance toward TWA. Her website does indicate she will defend the Integration lawsuit fully. She may do this, but I personally don't think her heart is in it. She is also passionately arguing for experience. Experience has not necessarily resulted in "good decisions" at APFA over the years. Hedges and her "people" had "experience" and did some very foolish things. Ward has "experience" and also has done some very foolish things. The "experience" card is a predictable and subtle form of manipulation to generate your fear of anything "other." She has advocated for experience over and over again and even stated in a personal email to me and others that the industry leading contract from 2001 was a "contract that was enhanced but most of this document was negotiated by the Denise Hedges team." I will let you be the Judge Judy on that one. She also cited in this email that that the most recent negotiating team was simply too "young and inexperienced" to be negotiating such a massive Restructuring. Again, I will let you draw your own conclusions. Regarding the RPA to avoid bankruptcy, THB jumped on the bandwagon very early to vote FOR the package. In summary, if we had all voted how Hutto Blake has in recent years, we would have recently "negotiated" 340 million dollars in concessions off of the failed T/A I (Hedges), and then we would have all immediately rushed to vote FOR the RPA bankruptcy agreement which would have NOT precipitated any likely reduction in the duration of the agreement, elimination of "underfly", stock options, or other "sweetners" that were later negotiated due to the close and controversial NO vote that came through. Do you think the APFA would have been able to negotiate such controversial "sweeteners" if everyone had jumped on THB's YES vote from the beginning like she did? I don't think so. Again, her record is conciliatory. She is also very very senior and close to retirement so one could logically conclude that she will be exiting within the next 4-6 years. She has indicated on her website that she is interested in "mentoring future leaders of our union".

Tommie Hutto-Blake--Leadership Style: Her leadership style will be much different than Ward's which could be considered by many a refreshing change. She idealizes a "circle of love" at APFA of endless committees, brainstorming sessions, and talk fests. The problem is that when you get so many people involved who are now "leaders" and then you have disagreements, it sets off constant "power struggles" over who is actually running the show. I/We dealt with this constantly during negotiations as we never knew who was "in charge". Was it John Ward/negotiating team? The Special Advisory Committee that THB was on? The APFA Board of Directors? The attorneys? Tommie has a "Mother Earth" persona that is at times comforting for all of the junior "youngins" she wants to mother and nurture at APFA, but then she kind of freaks out when she thinks things are off track and her darker and more intrusive "Mother Superior" shadow side kicks in and becomes annoying and manipulative. But she is very likeable and personable. If THB wins the election and you visit APFA headquarters, you will most likely see aromatherapy candles and crystals adorning the APFA secretary desks. The APFA annual convention will probably be held in Sedona, Arizona in a tent. The entertainment will most likely feature some mythic ancient chanting or drumming. Tommie just needs a Queer Eye reality show Extreme Makeover on some of the issues and needs to come clean about her conciliatory voting record.

Steven Ellis, independent for President,---Defense: Issues: voted NO on T/A I (Hedges); voted YES on T/A II (Ward); will defend Integration lawsuit fully; voted NO on RPA-Bankruptcy Agreement. He is a refreshing, intelligent, breath of fresh air amongst a pack of hungry wolves within the APFA establishment. He called me and asked me to have lunch one day when he was campaigning in Miami. I did not know him but had heard that he was "legitimate" and intelligent. I read his web site at www.turnourunionaround.com and was impressed with his writing and messaging skills. My meeting with him confirmed these intuitions of mine. He is the independent outsider kind of like Schwarznegger in California who is capable of tapping into F/A anger and disgust of the APFA establishment players. He is clearly a "wildcard". But he is not a "spoiler" candidate like a Ralph Nader in that the APFA election allows for a run off should one candidate not receive 50 percent plus one of the votes cast. I am predicting a run off and see Ellis as one of the candidates if people just can't stomach voting again for the traditional APFA "players". A runoff will force the principle candidates to stay in the "hotseat" and answer questions for as long as possible instead of the relatively short 3 week plus traditional balloting period. The TWA people will eventually vote for either their own candidates or the Tommie Hutto-Blake "Back on the Right Track" ticket as an act of vengeance towards John Ward and in an effort to build on sympathies and "dialogue" with the Hutto-Blake camp. Many people will argue that Ellis has no experience at all within APFA which is true, but I see this as a positive in many respects as I myself had no experience at all within APFA. Granted, being President of APFA is another matter, but Ellis seems to have the intelligence and background to shake things up a bit. I will be voting for Ellis in this election as I just can't in good conscience vote for the other Presidential APFA traditional "players". If Ellis does not make it to a run off, then I will have to proceed differently, but I just can't vote for Ward or Hutto-Blake at this time. I just witnessed too much from the inside that precludes me from such right now. If you vote for Ellis, then I say complete the slate by voting for others who you read, hear, see, and believe to be evident of candidate worthiness. I personally don't have anything overly negative to say about the other Ward/Hutto Blake slate candidates. I would like to hear from other APFA "insiders" on this though as they deal with them more often than the membership. Hello out there! WE NEED GUIDANCE! IS ANYONE HOME?

Steven Ellis--the Prosecution: His lack of experience within the bureaucracy and disfunction of APFA could result in being sucked in, chewed to a pulp, and spit out by AA management, the APFA Board of Directors, and the F/A membership. He also could be prosecuted for not having a slate of candidates running with him which could be problematic for some. However, traditional APFA slates of candidates have always seemed to have had "fallouts" of sorts. It's the same old tired and vicious cycle at APFA among the "players"------ a constant game of vengeance, hurt feelings, bruised egos and neurosis against the other one which would make the Bible's Judas appear not to be a traitor but rather a saintly virgen.
Ellis-- Leadership style: Remains to be seen. He will need strong diplomacy skills in working with candidates from different slates depending on who the membership votes for. This could be a real interesting test in breaking up the traditional patterns of voting at APFA. ROLL THE DICE!

Other marginal candidates: Rock Saloman and Peggy Anthony..
Saloman has a lawsuit going against APFA. This is a direct conflict of interests for being head of the union. Putting Soloman and company into place after they have filed a lawsuit against APFA is about as smart as relocating the Vatican to Tel Aviv, Israel. His Vice President selection, Sam Morales, has so much hazardous baggage leftover from his role within negotiations under Ward that I am sure the Homeland Security Department at APFA would deport him immediately to the prison camps in Cuba for subversive activities.
Peggy Anthony and company are part of the TWA ticket seeking to remove Ward at ALL costs. They pose a similar problem as Saloman and group. It is about as likely as a Rabbi becoming the head of the Catholic Church. They are of course also looking for sympathy and hoping to find some alliances with the Hutto Blake/Back on the Right Track group. They would clearly not be interested in representing the interests of ALL F/A's at AA.

Ok ENOUGH ALREADY! How's that for some coffee talk? I am exhausted. If you can't find a candidate to vote for among this group then you might consider the name Rosemary Cooper or Linda Plunk as "write in" candidates for President and Vice-President. Who are they? They are part of the executive secretary group at APFA Headquarters for years and years, and they always have good candy in their desk drawers for APFA mental breakdown emergencies. I think they are by far the most qualified for these jobs anyway.

Trice Johnson MIA
Don't make the mistake of assuming that all former TWA candidates only have one agenda in mind. Just because Mr/Ms Johnson thinks that seniority is the only issue doesn't make it true.

And, no, I am not former TWA. I'm a nAAtive. Oh, and no insult intended with the Mr/Ms. I really don't know, and in this dayand age where I know an adult male named Brandy, I've given up guessing. lol
jimntx said:
Don't make the mistake of assuming that all former TWA candidates only have one agenda in mind. Just because Mr/Ms Johnson thinks that seniority is the only issue doesn't make it true.

And, no, I am not former TWA. I'm a nAAtive. Oh, and no insult intended with the Mr/Ms. I really don't know, and in this dayand age where I know an adult male named Brandy, I've given up guessing. lol
Its not that we think that the TWA canidates don't have other issues its just that the seniority issue is one less we need to deal with.
MiAAmi said:
jimntx said:
Don't make the mistake of assuming that all former TWA candidates only have one agenda in mind. Just because Mr/Ms Johnson thinks that seniority is the only issue doesn't make it true.

And, no, I am not former TWA. I'm a nAAtive. Oh, and no insult intended with the Mr/Ms. I really don't know, and in this dayand age where I know an adult male named Brandy, I've given up guessing. lol
Its not that we think that the TWA canidates don't have other issues its just that the seniority issue is one less we need to deal with.
You will not be dealing with the seniority issues anyway - ONLY THE COURTS.

So, I suggest that you working about your working conditions, cleaning up the apfa mess by electing someone that will fight for the f/a's and not "sleep" with the company. The seniority issue is only a "smoke screen" to get votes. It doesn't matter who gets elected - they can not overturn a courts decision!

I am not saying who to vote for - but if Ward is elected back - don't complain if things stay the same - or things get worse.

I am amazed that TWA f/a's warned about this horrible t/a - now all of a sudden - only a few will admit they voted for it. Will the same occur if Ward is put back into office?
jimntx said:
Oh, and no insult intended with the Mr/Ms. I really don't know, and in this dayand age where I know an adult male named Brandy, I've given up guessing. lol
On other message boards, those who seem to know Trice use masculine pronouns and forms of address in referring to him.

Hey Miaami,

Since you voted yes, I take it your vote will be for Wardo. Correct? If you do, you will not have a right to complain on these boards when things get even worse than they are now!

If you learned the errors of your ways in voting yes-you'll cast you vote for anyone BUT ward!
skivoodoo said:
Hey Miaami,

Since you voted yes, I take it your vote will be for Wardo. Correct? If you do, you will not have a right to complain on these boards when things get even worse than they are now!

If you learned the errors of your ways in voting yes-you'll cast you vote for anyone BUT ward!
Amen. I DO NOT understand this thinking that goes "Ward and company screwed things up royally, lied to me, and gave themselves a raise while I was taking a cut. I need to put them back in so they can do better next time." I was always taught that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is one of the first signs of insanity.
I was always taught that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is one of the first signs of insanity. Quite correct!!!

After watching Ward testify in Federal court about the TWAers injunction complaint, I was less than impressed with the preparation Ward and Co had taken and left gasping at how little his team knew about what would be acceptable to the F/As. It was my distinct impression that they had no clue to what might be the least obnousious concessions. Poor preparation!!! As the first line of this post suggests, if you want different results, you are going to have to change the team. Some will protest that Ward brought in a great contract. I would suggest that when times are good any leader can bring in a great contract. What I would be more impressed with is how they fared when times are bad. In this case very poorly.
skivoodoo said:
Hey Miaami,

Since you voted yes, I take it your vote will be for Wardo. Correct? If you do, you will not have a right to complain on these boards when things get even worse than they are now!

If you learned the errors of your ways in voting yes-you'll cast you vote for anyone BUT ward!
If you have ever read any of my posts, I doubt you could catagorize me as a complainer. Everyone has a right to make their own decisions, yes I voted for Ward. Compaired to the other canidates he may not be much better but I feel he is the best choice for us. Making Ward the scapegoat for everything doesn't make things better. I suggest you read up on all the canidates and make a decision for yourself. I respect the people who voted NO for concessions, I woud expect them to respect my own decisions. Heres to the next round of negotiations.
MiAAmi said:
skivoodoo said:
Hey Miaami,

Since you voted yes, I take it your vote will be for Wardo. Correct? If you do, you will not have a right to complain on these boards when things get even worse than they are now!

If you learned the errors of your ways in voting yes-you'll cast you vote for anyone BUT ward!
If you have ever read any of my posts, I doubt you could catagorize me as a complainer. Everyone has a right to make their own decisions, yes I voted for Ward. Compaired to the other canidates he may not be much better but I feel he is the best choice for us. Making Ward the scapegoat for everything doesn't make things better. I suggest you read up on all the canidates and make a decision for yourself. I respect the people who voted NO for concessions, I woud expect them to respect my own decisions. Heres to the next round of negotiations.
The vocal ones on here only respect you if you agree with them.
I do not think that is so, that you must agree to be respected. Honesty counts for a lot along with the ability to see others point of view even if you strongly disagree. And then there is the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes...

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