Anyone ever heard of making someone a Martyr.

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He’ll be charged/arraigned— if we’re lucky.

The only person that mentioned the word “arrest” was him. Martyrdom is a good way to rile up the base and keep the donations flowing. It’s all part of the grift.
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  • #17
He’ll be charged/arraigned— if we’re lucky.

The only person that mentioned the word “arrest” was him. Martyrdom is a good way to rile up the base and keep the donations flowing. It’s all part of the grift.

“We’re” lucky? Who’s we and why would they be lucky? Looking at everything happening around you, you can honestly say life is better under President Biden? So far I think Biden is the worst President in my lifetime. Seriously.

Best to worse in my lifetime.

Clinton/Trump tie. (History will prove me right)
H W Bush
—————- The bottom tier
W Bush
Nixon/Biden tie.

Nixon royally messed up with China and I’m afraid the Biden administration is doing even worse. Hey but at least Biden supports Unions so maybe I should give him a pass for that one 👎 Support doesn’t mean passing any legislation that supports Unions and helps them grow.
So if someone commits a crime he should be give a pass because they are a politician?

Gee and I thought the republicans were the party of law and order.

And keep up the straw man arguments.
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  • #21
So if someone commits a crime he should be give a pass because they are a politician?

Gee and I thought the republicans were the party of law and order.

And keep up the straw man arguments.

#1 I’m not a Republican.

#2 I think every President going all the way back has been accused of crimes. But none of it ever went as far as actually being arrested.

Only when it's an attempt to "own the libs."

And you two guys only want to see him arrested because he’s a Republican. Or because he’s Trump and you just don’t like him.
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  • #23
I guess none of this is true? Or we’re just supposed to ignore it or not listen to it because it’s being said by Donald Trump?

Inflation isn’t killing us? Your 401K balance isn’t in the dumpster? Russia, China and Iran aren’t making plans together? Drugs aren’t flooding into our Country worse than ever?

I guess none of it matters as long as a member of “your team” sits in the White House?

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  • #24
And only a few years ago it was President Trump of America who was visiting Countries all over the World displaying American leadership. Where is American leadership today? Where is President Biden?

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  • #26
You support him and going overboard with straw man

Do you have a nervous tick with the phrase “straw man”?

And don’t let the facts get in your way.

I can’t support him because he is not the POTUS. But I am “100%” positive that America would be better off if he still was.
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  • #27
Let’s see if I can get this through to my few friends here on this page that don’t get it. And getting back on topic.

NO I DO NOT think that “””ANY””” President or former President of the United States should be arrested for pretty much “””ANYTHING””” maybe even including murder since we have seen that as a part of our History.

“No one is above the Law”

YES the President or former Presidents of the USA should be above most Laws as the optics to the rest of the World if we prosecute (persecute) one of them is NOT worth the loss of status America will lose with the World. Including but most concerning losing the status as the Worlds currency. (China will fill that gap to our extreme pains)
This thread has already ran it's course. Will consider reopening if there's a significant development tomorrow.
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