Any Suggestions


Feb 24, 2003
I agree Carty is not to blame for all of this. But the culture of this company has to change. I for one am willing to give up everything they were asking for....but then again look at what they did. The deadline was 4/15, the day they had to file with the SEC. Look at the document and look at their irrevocable retirement trusts. Where are ours? They are dirty and sneaky, they need to go. And yes I believe the Unions can be jsut as bad. Look at this week. Ward knew he should of given us the right to change our vote, but he didn''t. what was the reasoning? I am still trying to figure that one out. The mentality at AA just stinks....
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Get rid of Carty.....Honestly and all joking aside, AA and its management have bred and nurtured a spirit of distrust and fear between managemnt and craft and between different workgroups. Until this management is gone, AA will never be a better place to work. I believe that until alot of the more senior workers who have bought into this corporote style (divide and conquer) are gone, we will still be faced with alot of the same problems. Before anyone goes off on me, how many times have you been afraid to go up to an agent because you are afraid they will bark at you...(not picking on agents). Or how many flight attendants aren't little gestapos for the company. I remember telling off a Captain once, he was gleefully recalling how he turned in a flight attendant because she was pregnant (these were the days when you had to resign the minute that egg was fertalized). This was years after the event but he saw nothing wrong with what he had done.
Do you think Herb Kelliher would be interested in a dying company?
I for one would love to see Herb here at AA. But do you really think it is all Cartys fault. I do think the economy and the times we are in right now has alot to do with it. We do need a change...we need a change to alot of things. We need better union/management relations. You say there is a management mentality of divide and conquer. I agree with you...but I also think if we get rid of that type in Management then we also need to get rid of that type in the unions. Their are plenty of them that hate management just because they are management. Even if we had the best management people in the industry there would be haters among all of us

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