It is no secret the distaste I have for the AMT term, I also find it absurd that you guys think that OSM’s and SRP’s are below AMT’s for they are all one in the same. I have to wonder if the AMTS and AMTA are paid mercenaries hired by the Majors and MRO’s to kill the true aircraft mechanics, the A&P’s. I understand the fact that an A&P is an AMT but that fact is not vice-versa. You can be an AMT without being an A&P, this is where the danger for the A&P lies. This is also where the AMTA and AMTS is failing the A&P and is advancing the decline of the craft. To prove my point I would like to direct you to the April 2010 edition of the Aircraft Maintenance Technology Publication. Please turn to Pg. 36 For the AMTSociety Mx Logs Update. Please read very carefully…
I know that I have read in this publication as well as others the complaints and worries of American registered aircraft being flown overseas for heavy maintenance. All of the articles include the lack of FAA oversight and the quality of work being performed. China is at the top of the list for the alleged pathetic work being performed on our aircraft.
So how is all of this connected? Well let’s leap back in time to March 16 thru the 18 to Las Vegas Nevada where the AMTSociety’s third annual MSC was held. Twenty-five teams showed up for the competition. I take it that twenty-three of these teams where American with, for the fist time, one coming from Australia and one from China. For all the bravado that Overseas MRO’s is the worst possible place for an aircraft to go and the public warnings that overseas maintained aircraft are a danger to the flying public just got shot to hell and back.
The author of the article, Kenneth MacTiernan the AMTSociety Director/Chairman of the MSC clearly states…and I quote from the article.
“This year saw the first international teams enter the MSC. Teams from China and Australia came to Las Vegas which helps emphasize the premise behind the MSC and that is an aircraft does not care about the color of an AMT/AME’s uniform, skin, religion, sex, nationality, or language. All an aircraft cares about is the knowledge, skill, and integrity of the hand holding the wrench doing the repair. And this years MSC had a proud example of these AMT/AME’s! The honor and pride that is evident throughout the AMT/AME craft and profession was apparent when the teams from China and Australia were announced a loud round of applause rang out…”
So everyone is happy to see the Chinese participating in the event, no mention of hack shops here. Lets do continue…
Another quote from the same author…
“…the competitive nature was to be expected but there was also the ever present sense of brotherhood that skilled craftsmen carry amongst themselves such as today’s AMT/AME’s possess.
The brotherhood of skilled craftsmen? Wow is he including the AMT’s coming from the armpit MRO’s and the skilled scabs of NWA?
Lets pay close attention to this one…
“Each of the 25 teams that competed are the epitome of the true “Faces Behind Safety” in aircraft maintenance.”
WOW!!!! The “EPITOME”. China is listed in those ranks. Their very first time ever competing in this event and they walk away with third place in the MRO/OEM category. How many teams competed in this category? Did China beat out 22 other US teams?
There were 125 AMT’s competing in this event, I wonder how many held an A&P? If any did were they even recognized for it?
As the number of A&P’s decline and the number of AMT’s increase and the AMTS/AMTA continue to show the public that overseas AMT’s are actually equivalent to their American counterparts and that A&P’s are no longer needed because cheaper unlicensed AMT’s are just as good as licensed A&P’s this craft is going to be a minimum wage craft.
Thank you AMTS and AMTA and all of you A&P’s that support the AMT term and all the AMT-SRM/OSM folk, that didn’t have it in you to get you A&P, for driving the final nails into the A&P’s coffin.
I know that I have read in this publication as well as others the complaints and worries of American registered aircraft being flown overseas for heavy maintenance. All of the articles include the lack of FAA oversight and the quality of work being performed. China is at the top of the list for the alleged pathetic work being performed on our aircraft.
So how is all of this connected? Well let’s leap back in time to March 16 thru the 18 to Las Vegas Nevada where the AMTSociety’s third annual MSC was held. Twenty-five teams showed up for the competition. I take it that twenty-three of these teams where American with, for the fist time, one coming from Australia and one from China. For all the bravado that Overseas MRO’s is the worst possible place for an aircraft to go and the public warnings that overseas maintained aircraft are a danger to the flying public just got shot to hell and back.
The author of the article, Kenneth MacTiernan the AMTSociety Director/Chairman of the MSC clearly states…and I quote from the article.
“This year saw the first international teams enter the MSC. Teams from China and Australia came to Las Vegas which helps emphasize the premise behind the MSC and that is an aircraft does not care about the color of an AMT/AME’s uniform, skin, religion, sex, nationality, or language. All an aircraft cares about is the knowledge, skill, and integrity of the hand holding the wrench doing the repair. And this years MSC had a proud example of these AMT/AME’s! The honor and pride that is evident throughout the AMT/AME craft and profession was apparent when the teams from China and Australia were announced a loud round of applause rang out…”
So everyone is happy to see the Chinese participating in the event, no mention of hack shops here. Lets do continue…
Another quote from the same author…
“…the competitive nature was to be expected but there was also the ever present sense of brotherhood that skilled craftsmen carry amongst themselves such as today’s AMT/AME’s possess.
The brotherhood of skilled craftsmen? Wow is he including the AMT’s coming from the armpit MRO’s and the skilled scabs of NWA?
Lets pay close attention to this one…
“Each of the 25 teams that competed are the epitome of the true “Faces Behind Safety” in aircraft maintenance.”
WOW!!!! The “EPITOME”. China is listed in those ranks. Their very first time ever competing in this event and they walk away with third place in the MRO/OEM category. How many teams competed in this category? Did China beat out 22 other US teams?
There were 125 AMT’s competing in this event, I wonder how many held an A&P? If any did were they even recognized for it?
As the number of A&P’s decline and the number of AMT’s increase and the AMTS/AMTA continue to show the public that overseas AMT’s are actually equivalent to their American counterparts and that A&P’s are no longer needed because cheaper unlicensed AMT’s are just as good as licensed A&P’s this craft is going to be a minimum wage craft.
Thank you AMTS and AMTA and all of you A&P’s that support the AMT term and all the AMT-SRM/OSM folk, that didn’t have it in you to get you A&P, for driving the final nails into the A&P’s coffin.