AMR's next-generation business class seat...

The new business class seats are JUNK! There is one main computer box that controls both seats. That is JUNK as well. If you are taller than 5'11" you can not fully stretch out and relax. The aisle between the seats is narrow. The average American will have to wobble side to side to walk up or down the aisle. Word I got from a Customer Service rep is that AA went around asking people to try these seats and their features to see if they are acceptable. The reviews were not good ones but AA went forward and installed them anyway because they already committed themselves financially. Supposedly Lufthansa had similar seats on their aircraft and yanked them out after customer complaints were up. I give these seats a few years and them AA will commit millions more to replace them with more junk. Just ask any AA flight attendant about these seats. My opinion of course.

:down: :down: :down:
The new business class seats are JUNK! There is one main computer box that controls both seats. That is JUNK as well. If you are taller than 5'11" you can not fully stretch out and relax. The aisle between the seats is narrow. The average American will have to wobble side to side to walk up or down the aisle. Word I got from a Customer Service rep is that AA went around asking people to try these seats and their features to see if they are acceptable. The reviews were not good ones but AA went forward and installed them anyway because they already committed themselves financially. Supposedly Lufthansa had similar seats on their aircraft and yanked them out after customer complaints were up. I give these seats a few years and them AA will commit millions more to replace them with more junk. Just ask any AA flight attendant about these seats. My opinion of course.

I work jfk-sfo often and I can tell you that I have received nothing but positive feedback from our passengers about the new business class seat. In fact when they were being rolled out people were pleasantly surprised to find the seats and were asking about them. Just this week we changed equipment from a 767-300 to a 767-200 that has the old business class seat. You should have heard the griping. People that fly us often felt ripped off that they weren't getting what they paid for.

Of course to balance things out, our competition on this route fly mostly narrow body so we are by far the best thing going. On Europe and South America it might be different when you compare us to some international carriers. But that has always been AA. We have never been out in the forefront when it comes to amenities and features. We are so cautious about spending money and seem to always be playing catch up....with amenties and pay! We give our passengers just enough to not switch carriers.

:down: :down: :down:
<_< ---- The video is good, the first aircraft equipped with these seats was done at AFW. After they decided they didn't want the project, it was moved to MCI, where all the remaining 767-300's have been, and are in the process of, being converted. From what I've heard, the 767-200, are scheduled for conversion next.----- We've been producing them at a rate of one every eighteen days, and currently are working three lines. We could be producing more, but that would mean more lines. (We do have the space!) But not the people!----- God forbid! That would mean a recall! And with Carmin Ramono in charge, you know that's not going to happen! From what he's told us at his first address since taking over, it seems we're still AA's red headed step children!!!! :down:
the nextgen seats suck...big time..

I fly the plane all the time and f/as and customers alike think AA could have done much better...
I love all the arm-chair quarterbacks. I fly them also, yet hear nothing that you hear. Maybe you give the impression that you don't like them and people just agree with you to stop the conversation. Given the parameters that AA started with, they are nice and a huge improvement over what they are replacing. Maybe you should come up with a cost effective alternative, before you continue to complain. Or better yet go work for customer relations for a month to get the "real" opinion our customers have regarding the product.
I love all the arm-chair quarterbacks. I fly them also, yet hear nothing that you hear. Maybe you give the impression that you don't like them and people just agree with you to stop the conversation. Given the parameters that AA started with, they are nice and a huge improvement over what they are replacing. Maybe you should come up with a cost effective alternative, before you continue to complain. Or better yet go work for customer relations for a month to get the "real" opinion our customers have regarding the product.

I would say that the opinions of the extremes are the ones most heard. People who love them will say they love them, whereas those that hate them will make sure you hear that they hate them. The opinion of the majority of the customers is probably somewhere in the middle: could have done better but not bad.
I would say that the opinions of the extremes are the ones most heard. People who love them will say they love them, whereas those that hate them will make sure you hear that they hate them. The opinion of the majority of the customers is probably somewhere in the middle: could have done better but not bad.


Just like...jersey777 said,...."Give our pax. just enough, so they don't switch carriers" !

The faster we have "Airline Intercourse" with BA, and put the best product in the sky, World wide,(BAR-NONE), the better off we'll be !

What the HEL*. Might as well "get it over with", because we ALL know it's gonna happen !!!


Just like...jersey777 said,...."Give our pax. just enough, so they don't switch carriers" !

The faster we have "Airline Intercourse" with BA, and put the best product in the sky, World wide,(BAR-NONE), the better off we'll be !

What the HEL*. Might as well "get it over with", because we ALL know it's gonna happen !!!


Wake up, Wake up, your having another wet (or should i say dry) dream NHBBs... I really dont think anyone is going to be putting the best product in the sky with a 767 ... no matter who you are... BA is not really someone you want to hook up with... They are by far not known for superior service, merely a matter of convenience for the Brits... VA is, and will be, the best product to Britain... BAR NONE... just stating opinions; of course..
<_< ---- The seats appear to be a little on the flimsy side. And with six elect. motors per seat, you know they'll make the AMT's happy! But what really gets me is the fact that we're taking out an 85 pound seat, and replacing it with one that weighs in excess of 200. You know that has to make the plane heavier, therefor burn more fuel.---- And now that we've got the aircraft torn up,they should be wiring it for HD! You know that will be the next step down the road!----- Oh well! Who the hell am I?---- It's a pay check! ;)
IMO part of the problem with the new biz seats is that the 767 is just to narrow for them. The other issue is that you have the same number of the new seats as you did as the previous ones. With a larger footprint it makes things a bit cramped. Ideally they would have removed the first row coach seats to add more room. However you know that wasn't going to happen.
Exactly my point. These are probably the best they could come up with given the parameters they started with. Better yet , would have been a NEW seat on a NEW 787 instead. That wasn't going to happen given the parameters they had to work with.
I love all the arm-chair quarterbacks. I fly them also, yet hear nothing that you hear. Maybe you give the impression that you don't like them and people just agree with you to stop the conversation. Given the parameters that AA started with, they are nice and a huge improvement over what they are replacing. Maybe you should come up with a cost effective alternative, before you continue to complain. Or better yet go work for customer relations for a month to get the "real" opinion our customers have regarding the product.

Whoah, easy there. Why so harsh? I fly the plane all the time as well and receive quite a bit of negative feedback also. I don't instigate it either. They do not like the seat movement, the height, and the way your lower legs are locked into the tight space when reclined. Those are the biggest complaints.

As someone else said, the consensus from our FF's seems to be that it beats the old garbage but AA could have done much better.

I don't like the seats because they make the aisle more narrow and if you don't watch out when backing up with the cart you smash your elbow so hard you see stars.

What I really don't like about the new configuration is that the video units weren't built in. Those devices are pretty heavy and having to remove them all from the cart and pack them into those slots and remove them from the slots is a pretty big strain.